I've almost finished reading my mail to the end of August - plus bits
and threads that catch my eye.  So belatedly  - not for me and here's

Tea as a source of Fluorisis

~~~~Studies on hydrofluoric-acid workers from an electronics company
documented that, among the influences of fluorine-containing foodstuff
on fluoride content in the biological fluids, the effect of black tea
and/or green tea intake was "particularly remarkable". Measuring the
urine and serum levels of fluorine ion,  in the case of the
non-hydrofluoric-acid workers, the concentration increased to about
double of the control value. Similarly in a diet test on volunteers,
the concentration increased about six times. (43)~~~~~~~
43)Toyota S - "Fluorine content in the urine and in the serum of
hydrofluoric acid workers as an index of health administration" Sangyo
Igaku 21(4):335-48 (1979)
Fluoride and Aluminium in Tea:

   That the aluminum present is indeed resorbed in the simultaneous
presence of fluoride is shown in a study by Drs. Klaus R. Koch and
Colleagues at the University of Cape Town. They examined the urinary
excretion of aluminum (which is an indicator of its resorption) in
healthy male volunteers after drinking equal volumes (1.2 litres) of
tea, coffee or tap water on separate days. In _every_ case the amount
of aluminum excreted over the 12-hour period increased on the day when
tea was taken. Their results indicate that tea consumption must be
considered in any assessment of the total dietary intake of aluminium
in human beings.(50)
50)Koch K. R., Pougnet B., De Villiers S.: "Increased urinary
excretion of Al after drinking tea"; Nature 333 (May 12, 1988)

the full article is at:

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