Hi All;

Didn't know if this would be of interest but kathy said.....

> I think it all makes sense! By far the best article I have read on
>Thanks Phil! I'm saving this one.
>BTW, Why don't you send it to the VSL? It's too good not to be passed
>everywhere. Did you pass it on the Silver List? Was it there? Maybe I missed
>it. They have had many such discussions about chemtrails and would appreciate
>Love, Kathy

I also think it's the best so far.   So...thanks to Kathy, you get a peek!


      The Purpose of Chemtrails - Global Warming / Ozone Modification?



     After some reading on the Net and thought on this subject, I
     believe I have come to accept what others have already
     postulated...the purpose behind chemtrails. Whether they have
     adverse effects on living things I cannot say...but I did spend an
     hour at lunch the other day looking out of my window overlooking
     the Ottawa River and Parliament Hill and watched a plane high up
     in the sky criss cross the city many many times laying down
     Chemtrails...they sky was perfectly blue....the kind of sky people
     seem to be reporting around the globe.

     So here is what I think.

     The real issue, when looked from a global perspective, is that the
     ozone layer over Antarica has a hole in it now that is bigger than
     the land mass of the United States. This hole has had and will
     have implications for life forms on this planet that could become
     catastrophic....vast climate change, destruction of plant and
     animal life, skin cancer and other cancers for humans....disease,
     virus...rising ocean levels...the list can go on and on.

     You can see a recent photo of the hole here:


     Many believe that humans are responsible for this hole by
     increasing the impact of the green house effect on the planet.
     This is caused by the burning of hydrocarbons and by the
     development of human-made chemicals such as chloroflurocarbons.
     Whether or not you believe this to be true, the fact is that
     environmentalists around the world do and over the years have
     convinced governments that something needs to be done about
     this...and quickly. Governments responded with the signing of the
     Kyoto Teaty in the late 1990s in an attempt to reduce emissions
     and hopefully reverse the impact on the ozone layer.

     What may have not been obvious to the media at the time, but was
     to most scientists, environmentalists and economists, was that the
     only way the governments of the world can reach their agreed upon
     targets is to increase the price of hydrocarbons and particulary
     gasoline as well as work harder at energy efficiency in general. A
     lot of hope rests on electric and hydrogen technology for
     automobiles and industry, but so far the wide-spread commercial
     deployment of these technologies appears at least a decade away.

     In the meantime the hole over Antarctica keeps getting bigger and
     bigger. And now we find out last week the ice cap is melting in
     the Canadian Arctic.


     While we banned the use of chloroflurocarbons way back in 1987, it
     turns out that these things last in the atmosphere for decades and
     only now are reaching their peak. It could be another 20 or 30
     years before they dissipate.

     So what is a world to do if it wants to save itself? Well isn't it
     interesting that since Kyoto the world price of crude oil and
     government taxation of gasoline has increased...slowly but
     surely....and this very day in parts of Europe it is being called
     a crisis. And isn't it interesting that everyone is pointing
     fingers at everyone else but nobody is doing anything about it
     (except for the French who cut some fuel taxes this past week).
     Most governments, including Canada and the United States, are
     turning a blind eye or tinkering. Why? Because they all signed on
     to Kyoto and have to keep their promises because the threat to the
     planet is REAL.

     However, there are those who believe that relying on human beings
     to solve the problem is a hopeless cause....witness the chaotic
     situation in Europe as refineries are blocked off and people go
     without any fuel because of the price increases to date. Will that
     happen here? Who knows, but the Ontario Trucker's Association
     hinted last week they might try to shut down the 401 again. Surely
     they could shut down the Montreal and Ontario refineries too!!

     To really come to grips with the ozone layer problem, there
     probably has to been a cut back in the burning of hydrocarbons by
     10-25% globally. Gasoline prices would probably have to at least
     double their existing levels to achieve this. But politically that
     is not going to fly anywhere in the world. No government wants to
     face the abuse from its citizens if that were to happen. (Remember
     Joe Clark and the 18 cent a gallon tax increase???)

     So there you have it... in a nut shell...what we are witnessing
     worldwide are tepid attempts to get the price of gasoline (and
     perhaps other fossil fuels) up but by letting OPEC and the oil
     companies do the job for us....but no one wants to take
     responsibilty for saying this is the objective - either
     governments, or oil companies, or OPEC. However, it is most likely
     that these attempts at higher prices will likely fail with
     whatever consequences flow from that failure.


     One highly respected scientist, Dr. Edward Teller, has proposed a
     technological solution to the ozone problem that does not depend
     on changing the behaviour of billions of people around the globe.
     In 1998 he suggested that the problem could be addressed by the
     artifical creation of clouds that we only need filter out 1% of
     the sun's light to counteract any warming effect of greenhouse
     gases. He estimates this will cost approximately $1 billion (US)
     per year - a small price to pay compared with the impact of
     people's lives from dramatically increasing the price of

     You can read his proposal at


     Now what is really interesting, is that governments around the
     world appear to have taken Dr. Teller to heart and are acting on
     his suggestion. Every day for the past year or so somewhere in the
     world people are sighting and photographing military planes in the
     sky creating what have become known as chemtrails...in Canada, the
     United States, Sweden, Australia, the UK etc.

     For awhile, all kinds of crazy theories were presented about these
     events....was this chemical spraying for virus, diseases?....were
     governments engaged in biological experiments on their own
     populations?...was this a poison designed to reduce the size of
     the world's population? Wild, eh!!

     But in fact, further study of these chemtrails showed that the
     were only created on blue sky days and soon after they were laid
     down they spread out like typical cirrus-like clouds....exactly
     the type of cloud that would filter the sun's light. So now a
     number of people believe that Dr. Teller's idea in 1998 is being
     acted on by many governments around the world to try to come to
     grips with the ozone layer issue.

     Less Ozone, More Disease, More Chemtrails


     Is their conclusion true? Who knows, nobody in government or the
     media is saying.

     Here are some stories and photos on chemtrails. Just do a search
     on "chemtrails" with your favourite search engine and see what you
     come up with.





Phil Sr.

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