I found this quite provocative.

It may be useful for perspective.  I don't pretend to understand
all that is discussed here - if it is fact or theory or a mix.  I
thought it good for stimulating thinking (very painful pursuit

also there appears some useful links at the bottom (cut & paste)

Not sure what the "bullshit" comment refers to.

Hope it is useful.


----- Original Message -----
From: "yorel" <yo...@mindspring.com>
To: "Dave Perkins" <dperk...@betterwayhealth.com>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 8:24 PM
Subject: Fw:


This seems right down your line......


----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Lynch
To: yo...@mindspring.com
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 12:55 AM

Dismissed as mere oxygen and hydrogen, water is far from trite.
It's 75 percent of our bodies, the most crucial liquid on
Earth -- the universal solvent. Water sticks to itself due to
weak electric attraction between hydrogen and oxygen in adjacent
water molecules. These hydrogen bonds hold water together to
create surface tension to allow it to form a sphere, the shape
with the least surface area.

Magnetism affects water in odd ways. Normally water's pH is
neutral due to its balance of acid (H+) to alkaline (OH-) ions.
But south pole magnetism causes water to become slightly
alkaline, while a north pole shifts pH a tad acid. This subtle
shift is critical in biological systems such as cell membranes.

In 1941 Nobel Prize winning physicist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi said
biological proteins are sufficiently organized to function as
crystal lattice, and predicted semiconduction in living tissue.
When he said this, solid state electronics was a lab curiosity,
so he was ignored by the few biologists who studied
bioelectricity. It was four decades before advanced knowledge
from solid state physics was introduced into biology.

Like a tree, a cell is a waveform, too -- a dipole antenna -- the
condensation of a spinning magnetic vortex. To exist, cells must
resonate a full harmonic range of geomagnetic frequencies.
Mitosis and meosis -- the dance of cell division -- is the pulse
and polarization of a cell's EM cycles. Cell membrane is a long
wave envelope of low frequencies in this cellular symphony.
Braided through the vortex axis, DNA is a super coiled antenna
tuned to high
frequency oscillations of short wave

Internationally famous German heart and cancer specialist Hans
Neiper, MD, says, "We've known for a long timen cancer cells, as
well as entire tumors, lose their magnetic character and become
electrically static. Entire organisms-- healthy tissues and
blood -- also undergo a loss of magnetism as an effect of
malignancy, helped by mucilage produced by the cancer. [If]
magnetism of organs and blood is lost, defenses toward cancer
decrease, since cancer cells can be devoid of any magnetic

What causes cells to lose their magnetism? This question has no
single or simple answer. One is that earth emits geopathological
energy along with the man made EMF's which causes people to
become ill by draining their magnetic life-force. (See SOLSTICE
#37 Asleep with a Vampire). In the 1930s German physicist Paul
Dobler discovered water in underground veins radiates EM in a
narrow band which can expose film placed in light opaque
envelopes above the veins.

With this in mind we can envision our human body's EM
architecture -- already a subject of intensive macrobiotic
education. Like DNA, hair and muscle are spiral fibers, braided
and supercoiled. Iron red in hemoglobin and cobalt blue in
vitamin B12 are a magnetic waveform chalice to transport
electrons in blood and nerve. Today we confront ozone holes,
vanishing B12 and epidemic deaths of c.ancers , birth defects and
on and on! When told of this steady increasing magnetic radiation
problem, the FDA has made it mandatory law to Fortifying Grain
with B12/Folic Acid to prevent birth defects for years now!!!
Just Another way to try covering up the problem of EMF EXPOSURE
by boosting our natural defenses!

The active vitamin B12 comes in many different forms, i.e.
methyl-, cyano-, adnosyl- and hydroxocobalamin, freely
transformed into each other in the body. However, vitamin B12 in
the brain and CNS is only present as methylcobalamin, which
effectively transports methyl groups (-CH3) to proteins in the
myelin, the insulating layer which together with fatty acids
surrounds the nerve fibers, protecting DNA just like insulation
on electric cables.

B12's trace element ,cobalt -- -- is a natural magnet and hinted
at an
unknown magnetic function to form red blood cells. Scientists
recently found the highest concentration of B12 occurs -- not in
the liver, as once thought -- but in pineal tissue in the
brain.Vitamin B12 may really be a magnetic hormone!

Cobalt is a silvery, bluish-white, odorless, and magnetic metal.
The fume and dust of cobalt metal is odorless and black. Cobalt
is often alloyed with other metals due to its unusual magnetic
strength and is used in electroplating because of its appearance,
hardness and resistance to oxidation. Also used in RF safety for
its very good shielding properties of ELF EMF's

By 1976, Adey had proven that weak EM directly affects the
central nervous system, and theorized that ELF oscillations of
protein-calcium strands are cell-to-cell communication. Weak ELF
EM alters calcium movement in cell membranes to change neural
chemical action. Vitamin B-12 may improve circulation and memory
due to lessening effects of radiation induced vascular dementia.

B12 is given by doctors in high doses to help fight cancers and
to prevent NTD's in newborn fetus. Take B12 / FOLIC ACID to help
your body maintain repairs to central nervous system from EMF
effects!!!!! (Talk to your Doctor)

In cases of B12 deficiency, toxic fatty acids with 15-17 carbon
atoms with a demyelinating effect on the myelin are formed, and
transmission of electrical impulses is disturbed. If enough B12
is supplied, the myelin might be repaired in the course of time

demyelinating ("myelinoclastic")

destruction of existing myelin
acquired diseases with inflammatory characteristics
includes: MS, PML, encephalomyelitis
also may be d/t anoxia, infarct, tumor, radiation

Some scientists estimate that you are now daily exposed to 100
million times the EMF radiation of your grandparents. Research
shows that these fields have a significant disruptive effect on
the natural energy levels of your body. Your body's energy, as
well as your cellular communication system, is altered by the
high frequencies of EMF. Man-made radiation magnifies your body's
"fight or flight" responses, compounding your adrenal loads from
other stressors and significantly reducing your ability to
effectively cope.

What are Magnetic Fields?

Magnetic fields are one of two invisible lines of force
surrounding any device that is electrically operated. Wherever
there is electron motion there will be electric and magnetic
fields. These fields are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Other forms of 'radiation' in the electromagnetic spectrum
include heat, light, radio waves, and x-rays. While magnetic
fields are a form of radiation they are not radioactive -
magnetic fields are non-ionizing radiation and are very different
from things like x-rays or gamma rays.

Alternating current (AC) electric and magnetic fields fluctuate
in space as the sinusoidally varying voltage and current change
polarity, whereas DC fields (like the earth's geomagnetic field)
remain statically polarized based upon the direction of the
flow (remember the Right Hand Rule). Incidentally, the
geomagnetic (static) field is typically 670 mG at the magnetic
poles, 500
mG around the middle latitudes, and 330 mG on the equator.
Furthermore, when the distance from a sinusoidally varying source
such as 60-Hz AC power is small with respect to the wavelength
(known as the near field), the electric and magnetic fields are
coupled and considered separate physical entities. That is why
60-Hz electric fields can be grounded to zero inside a metal
conduit; however, the unperturbed magnetic fields will still
emanate through the conduit. The opposite is true for radio
frequency sources that have significantly shorter wavelengths and
radiate coupled electric and magnetic fields into free space
several wavelengths from the antenna (known as the far field).

******* inserts by RC;

Furthermore, when the distance from a sinusoidally varying source
such as 60-Hz AC is small with respect to the wavelength (known
as the near field), the electric and magnetic fields are not
coupled and considered separate physical entities.

So far so good

That is why 60-Hz electric fields can be grounded to zero inside
a metal conduit; however, the unperturbed magnetic fields will
still emanate through the conduit.

I wouldn't state it that way, because it's only mildly correct,
but I get what he's on about

The opposite is true for radio frequency sources

The opposite is not true - There are Near Fields and Far Fields
in Higher (Radio) Frequencies as well as at low frequencies -
it's just that at low frequencies the Far field is far less
dominant than the near field due to the long wavelengths - and
when the wavelengths are smaller(frequency higher) the near field
is smaller, the far field becomes dominant.

The "Near Field" in all cases falls off in intensity as the Cube
of the distance, while the "Far Field" falls off at the Square of
the distance regardless of frequency.

The boundry AT the near and the far field "transistion" is what I
call the "Tesla Boundry" - It is here (within the 1st wavelength)
from the radiator AT the transition from near to far, at the
transition from non-conjoined E and B fields to Joined E and B
field, at the point of intensity falling off by the square, and
not the cube of the distance from the point source. Here it is,
at this boundry that the Magic happens.

that have significantly shorter wavelengths and radiate coupled
electric and magnetic fields into free space several wavelengths
from the antenna (known as the far field).






Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000

R.S. and others hyposthesized the Earth Mother or Black Madonna
Cobalt Blue, or "Electric Blue" (actually magnetic). The Templars
came to America to discover HER secrets and the key to protecting
her. They believed the earth in North America had a particular
quality which whenunderstood/derived could then be used to
insulate the
compromised-by-technology human body and the compromised Earth
Mother...this protection of the human body's magnetic and
electric fields through B-12 and other things (perhaps a richer
form of spinal fluid and blood - in particular) is part of the
Mystery of Fidelity/Devotion and obviously involves Tantric


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