Dear Duncan,
I happen to be healthy currently but have been through my share of
life-threatening experiences.I do not know if myself or any of my family was
exposed to SV40. How does one find out? I just figured that since I take a
dose or two of CS a day eventually all the bad stuff will be
killed.(If there is anything there to begin with.)
If CS takes care of 650 + viruses and bacteria, why not SV40.
Plus,  my MD has always said that CS puts the body into
a healthy, negative polarity state if I rememer correctly.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Duncan Crow" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 10:39 AM
Subject: CS>missing a point

> | Would CS kill the SV40 retrovirus with regular use? Or huge doses for
> | shorter periods of time?
> | Sincerely,
> | Janet
> Janet and everyone;
> About systemic infections and hosting...
> CS kills a lot of things, but to just go on a CS dosage would be to miss
> point that it is PART of a bioelectric program that would normally also
> include blood electrification, magnetic pulsing, ozone, and possibly
> zapping.
> In other words, why use one thing at a time to take a stab at it like a
> doctor might, if you can do a PROGRAM that will hammer practically any
> infection or disease into submission, using a combination of effective
> methods?
> For those who want to research the effectiveness of CS, I can see it, but
> you're hosting multiple organisms or your are in fact ill, why not clean
> yourself out conclusively? To me, it seems to make good sense.
> ciao
> Duncan
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