O-kay, I know some of you nice folks test samples of CS. I just can't
remember which of you!
So could you post me on the side and give me s-mail directions etc?

Also my sister the metalurgical chemist is driving me nuts and swears up and
down that we're poisoning ourselves beyond repair. Could someone PLEASE
point me to a good webpage or an article in the archives which will show her
*chemically* why that which we produce ourselves is safe to use (barring
deliberate massive ingestions).

Ivan was helpful in some of his material posted to me and beyond that I am
looking for WHY our ppm and micron size is safe. I am not trying to give her
a bodyslam. I love her dearly and not all brothers and sisters in mid-life
can say that. But given her background in metalurgical chemistry is
difficult to *ahh hmmm* get a word in edgewise.

THis is old hat to the list so if you want to spare the bandwidth please
post direct to me.


Tim Eastman

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