And more.

Terry Wayne

Metabolic Solutions Info Report
Metabolic Solutions Institute

Japanese Use New Silver Compound to Fight Spread of

Studies by the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta
have shown that many viruses, including those linked
to AIDS, will briefly survive on surfaces outside an
individual. The possibility that viruses could survive
in body fluids deposited on surfaces of plastic
products, such as telephones, has prompted some
manufacturers to take preventative action.

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. in Osaka,
Japan has completed a project at the Research
Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University, to
produce a surface treatment that provides long-lasting
sanitization for its plastic products. Extensive
research revealed that a compound based on silver
thiosulfate would provide the most effective system.

The system, now marketed under the name Amenitop,
consists of silica gel microspheres containing a
silver thiosulrate complex. The silica gel coating
allows a gradual release of the silver compound onto
the surface, providing long-lasting bactericidal

In August, Professor Shigeharu Ueda, Osaka Research
Institute for Microbial Diseases, discussed his
research that resulted in Amenitop at the Third
International Conference on Gold and Silver in
Medicine in Milwaukee.

Amenitop has proven to be effective against a variety
of disease-causing bacteria such as E. coli, and S.
aureus. Studies of the antiviral effect on human
immunodeficiency viruses have shown Amenitop to reduce
infectivity of HIV-1103 in 30 minutes at 37C (98.6F)
and inhibit multiplication of HIV-1. Ueda's studies
suggest that Amenitop kills bacteria and viruses by
destroying the cell's membranes.

Amenitop is sold commercially in powder form by
Matsushita for industrial use in Japan for about
25,000 yen per kilo or about US$550 per pound.

Silver News - December 1994/January 1995

Metabolic Solutions Info Series
Metabolic Solutions Institute

Silver Helps Regrow Human Tissue
Physician Patents Technique Using Silver Ions
July 27, 1999 Washington, D.C.

Silver, the same commodity used in coins and in the
manufacture of jewelry, silverware, mirrors and
electronics, helps regenerate human cells that have
been destroyed by disease or damaged in accidents,
according to a recently released report in this
month's edition of Silver News, a bi-monthly
newsletter published by The Silver Institute. Clinical
tests indicate that the silver-based procedure is so
successful that one patient who had sustained three
crushed fingers in an accident grew new tissue
rapidly. Within 2-1/2 months, skin coverage was
complete and there was normal full sensation, good
blood supply and all joints had a normal range of
motion. If left untreated, the 30-year old
electrician's fingers would have fallen off after
turning black from gangrene, and he would have been
left with a totally useless hand. Ironically, his
orthopedic surgeon recommended amputation of all three
fingers, but the patient requested silver-ion therapy
which proved successful. 

The mechanism by which silver ions help rebuild tissue
has been studied for more than a decade by Dr. Robert
Becker of Becker Biomagnetics in New York. Dr. Becker
initially reported his findings at the First
International Conference on Silver and Gold in
Medicine, co-sponsored by The Silver Institute in
1987. In the decade since, this technique has been
used in clinical settings where hundreds of patients
with various wounds have recovered. In addition, a
laboratory study conducted by the U.S. Army Institute
for Surgical Research in Houston, Texas, showed that
laboratory animals with burn wounds treated under
controlled conditions experienced shortened time for
reconstruction with silver-nylon dressings. Recovery
of skin function was faster when electric current was
applied compared to no application of electric

Last fall, Dr. Becker received a U.S. patent
(5,814,094) for the devices, materials, and techniques
involved in regeneration of tissue using silver ions.
After several hundred cases, Dr. Becker believes that
the technique works in three stages. The first stage
is the chemical combination of highly active free
silver ions with all bacteria or fungi present in the
wound which are inactivated within 20 to 30 minutes.
The second stage occurs over the next few days. Silver
acts on fibroblast cells to cause them to revert to
their embryonic state, becoming stem cells. These
cells are universal building blocks whose role is to
reconstruct new tissue. In the final stage, silver
ions form a complex with the living cells in the wound
area to produce immediately convertible stem cells.
The end result of this conversion is that the stem
cells supply all the building blocks necessary to
completely restore all anatomical structures. No other
known treatment provides sufficient numbers of the
embryonic or stem cells required for true regeneration
of damaged or destroyed tissues in humans and animals.
The success indicates that there is the potential not
only for the healing of near-surface wounds, but for
regenerative repair of internal organs such as the
heart, liver, brain and the spinal cord. 

For Further Information Contact: Mike DiRienzo The
Silver Institute 1112 16th Street, N.W., Suite 240
Washington, D.C. 20036  Tel: (202) 835-0185  Fax:
(202) 835-0155 

Metabolic Solutions Info Report
Metabolic Solutions Institute

Silver Keeps Your Water Fresh
June 7, 1999

Washington D.C. - Ever dive into the backyard pool on
a hot summer day and find later that your eyes are
burning, apparently from the very water intended to
cool you down? The solution is not to avoid swimming,
but to swim in pools treated with silver-based systems
instead. Many pools, both public and private, are
switching to silver-based filters to kill deadly
bacteria, according to the Washington, D.C.- based
Silver Institute.

While silver has been used for centuries to purify
water, modern ionization technology was developed by
the National Aeronautic and Space Administration
(NASA) in the early days of the space program as a
lightweight method of purifying recycled water on
spacecraft. The technology works by producing
positively charged ions that attack and destroy the
negatively charged cells of organisms such as bacteria
and algae. Also, silver does not break down when
exposed to sunlight, does not stain clothes or the
skin, and does not evaporate during periods of

Silver-ion sanitation systems have been used by tens
of thousands of delighted swimming pool owners for
over 50 years. Now, a silver-based swimming pool
sanitation system using a higher oxidation state of
silver has been approved by the Environmental
Protection Agency. It likewise avoids the use of
chlorine and other caustic chemicals. The new
disinfectant, called Sildate and marketed by N. Jonas
& Co., Bensalem, Pennsylvania, provides a bacterial
activity reportedly more than 200 times greater than
the silver-ion systems. In fact, in concentrations of
only one part per million, Sildate will kill 100
percent of bacteria in 30 seconds.

In addition to silver-based systems for swimming
pools, hundreds of thousands of households worldwide
use silver impregnated activated carbon filter systems
to provide healthful drinking water from the tap or in
water containers kept in refrigerators. Large-scale
silver-based sanitation systems also provide
bacteria-free drinking water to isolated communities,
remote military bases and Red Cross units in distant
locations. Many backpackers carry silver-based filters
to make stream water safe for drinking and cooking.

In the United States and Canada, more than 100
hospitals have installed silver-based systems to
eradicate Legionnaire's disease, a deadly bacteria
that infects hot water pipes and storage tanks in
large buildings. Recent tests in the Pittsburgh
Veterans Affairs Medical Center showed that, despite
scalding high temperatures and frequent flushing of
the water system, the organism that causes
Legionnaire's disease was still present. Once a new
silver-based water purification system was introduced,
the bacteria disappeared. Additionally, millions of
children have had their eyesight saved by a silver
solution dropped in their eyes at birth. And, silver
compounds are the preferred treatment for serious

Metabolic Solutions Info Series
Metabolic Solutions Institute

Silver Water Purification Systems Offer Reliable
Alternative to Chlorine
March 25, 1997

LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA -- Silver-based water purification
systems offer the most reliable and cost-effective
alternative to chlorine, a chemical that is
increasingly coming under fire for the carcinogenic
byproducts it leaves in water, according to David
Eaton, secretary of The Institute of Water Ionization
Technologies in the United Kingdom and technical
director of Roseland Hydronics PLC.

Speaking at the annual meeting of The Gold & Silver
Institutes in Laguna Niguel, CA, this week, Eaton said
progressively restrictive legislation is confronting
the use of chemicals, especially chlorine, which for
nearly a century has been the medium for water

With increasing pollution, utilities are forced to put
far more chlorine into the supply chain, Eaton
explained. The chemical reaction that oxidizes
impurities when chlorine is added, also forms
carcinogenic byproducts. "Of course these same
byproducts have been generated by chlorination for a
long time, but never in the quantities that are now
being seen," he said.

Silver offers a healthy alternative. The metal has
long been known for its biocidal properties, Eaton
noted. The Ancient Phoenicians, who stored wine in
silver urns to preserve it, provide one of the
earliest recorded examples of the metal's use for
water purification.

Applying modern technology to this old-fashioned
principal, The Institute of Water Ionization
Technologies has developed silver ion generators for
municipal water supplies. The market for silver
ionized swimming pool systems has explained
significantly in the United States and overseas, Eaton
said. But in Britain, silver ionization is being
developed for mainstream water systems. Machines used
to clean primary water must be much larger and more
powerful than small swimming pool units, and require
accurate control mechanisms to ensure that levels of
silver are maintained and kept within drinking water

Eaton discussed a recent project funded by the UK
Department of the Environment to study the control of
Legionnaires disease by using silver ions. The disease
is named after Legionella pneumophilia, and organism
that is widespread in small quantities within natural
water sources. The bacteria becomes lethal at a water
temperature of 95°F and can be killed at temperatures
between 135 and 140°F.

Of three test, silver/copper ions in soft water
produced the best results. The copper ion disrupted
the enzyme structures if the cell allowing the silver
ion to penetrate inside where it rapidly killed the
cell's life support system. U.S. regulations allow a
silver level of 100ppb in drinking water, but a silver
level of only 20 ppb kills Legionella.

A new European Union Drinking Water Standard in draft
form has removed any upper limit for silver in
drinking water following the World Health
Organization's Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality
which states, "It is unnecessary to recommend any
health-based guidelines for silver as it is not
hazardous to human health."

Eaton said silver ion generators currently are being
used in intensive care and heart transplant units of
hospitals, and for poultry processing, engineering,
brewing, cooling towers and swimming pools.

Metabolic Solutions Info Report
Metabolic Solutions Institute

Silver RDA's

Dr John Hill D.C. in his book "Colloidal Silver, A
Literature Review" states this:

"Critics of colloidal silver sometimes state that it
has been known to cause organ damage, kidney damage,
pulmonary edema, atherosclerosis and death.

"These claims appear to be based on a research study
on dogs in which the dogs were deliberately killed by
extremely large lethal doses of silver. At the doses
given, any heavy metal and probably many essential
minerals like zinc, iron, copper, etc. would have
produced death in similar fashion."

And again "We know that dogs died from injections of a
type of protein-bound silver in dosages ranging from
500 mg to 1.9 grams of silver depending on the
frequency of administration. This was equivalent in
silver content to giving a 150 pound adult between 150
litres and 570 litres of 10 ppm colloidal silver, or
between 75 and 285 liters of 20 ppm colloidal silver
or between 50 and 190 litres of 30 ppm colloidal
silver. The 10 gram estimated lethal dose for humans
from Goodman and Gillman is equivalent to 1000 liters
of 10 ppm colloidal silver." In another case an
individual ingested an estimated 124 grams of silver
nitrate over a 9 year period. She developed argyria
and an assortment of neurological symptoms as well...
This report is often used by critics to attribute
neurological disorders to silver consumption. They
curiously fail to put in perspective the gross
difference between the quantities of silver involved."

He also reports:
"The EPA publishes a reference dose (Rfd) for silver
which is an estimate of daily exposure to the entire
population that is unlikely to be associated with a
significant risk of adverse effects over a lifetime.
The current Rfd for oral silver exposure is 5
micrograms/kg/day with a critical dose estimated at 14
micrograms/kg/day... Based on this Rfd, a 150 pound
adult should not exceed 350 micrograms/day."

He then states that if an average person drinks 2
litres of water a day containing the EPA limit of 0.1
PPM and whose daily diet may contain about 90
micrograms of silver, that would total less than 300
micrograms/day, which means that one could take a dose
of 2 tsp. of 5 PPM or 1 tsp. of 10 PPM and still be
under the Rfd!! 350 micrograms is equivalent to 70 mls
(2oz, 1.4  tsp.) of 5 PPM colloidal silver.

These limits are extremely conservative, and the
content of silver in food is almost non-existent these
days. One should also weigh up the danger of damage
caused by prescription medicine against the results
that taking CS produces.

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