Years ago in attending a herbal seminar in Boulder, CO at Hanna Kroegers, 
Hanna use to lecture on spirochetes among other "things". She even has an 
herb mixture called by the same name, spelled Spirokete. She advised using it 
with Lymes disease, Candida, Epstein, and others. Many health food stores 
through the states sell Hannas herbs, although she has sinced passed on, her 
family has carried on the business. This little european lady was the 
feistiest person I've ever met and had more energy than 5 people. She had 
herbs for things I'd never heard of (at that time - 10 yrs ago) She also had 
an X-40 kit which she talked about the "simian virus". This kit was used for 
AIDS along with an A-33, an Epstein Barr remedy.

<< Spirochetes capable of hibernating 2,000 years in dried up mummiie on
 mountainside, then a drop of water activates bacterium.  Far out huh?  >>

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