I realize this may be wandering out of the scope of this list, but nonetheless 
I love the speculation we are generating here.

Not much info out there about ULF/ELF healing, but plenty about its 
applications as weapons.

I once heard mentioned a "Soviet Alpha-Beta Device" that the US military had 
been studying some years ago. I think it generated/manipulated brain 
waves...for mind control or for other purposes is beyond me.

Found this from 7/7/97 US News, SARA has a site at www.sara.com:

Acoustic pain

The next debate may well focus on acoustic or sonic weapons. Benign sonic 
effects are certainly familiar, ranging from the sonic boom from an airplane to 
the ultrasound instrument that "sees" a baby in the uterus. The military is 
looking for something less benign--an acoustic weapon with frequencies tunable 
all the way up to lethal. Indeed, Huntington Beach-based Scientific 
Applications & Research Associates Inc. (SARA) has built a device that will 
make internal organs resonate: The effects can run from discomfort to damage or 
death. If used to protect an area, its beams would make intruders increasingly 
uncomfortable the closer they get. "We have built several prototypes," says 
Parviz Parhami, SARA's CEO. Such acoustic fences, he says, could be deployed 
today. He estimates that five to 10 years will be needed to develop acoustic 
rifles and other more exotic weapons, but adds, "I have heard people as 
optimistic as one to two years." The military also envisions acoustic fields !
being used to control riots or to clear paths for convoys.

SARA's acoustic devices have already been tested at the Camp Pendleton Marine 
Corps Base, near the company's Huntington Beach office. And they were 
considered for Somalia. "We asked for acoustics," says one nonlethal weapons 
expert who was there. But the Department of Defense said, "No," since they were 
still untested. The Pentagon feared they could have caused permanent injury to 
pregnant women, the old, or the sick. Parhami sees acoustics "as just one more 
tool" for the military and law enforcement. "Like any tool, I suppose this can 
be abused," he says. "But like any tool, it can be used in a humane and ethical 

Toward the end of World War II, the Germans were reported to have made a 
different type of acoustic device. It looked like a large cannon and sent out a 
sonic boomlike shock wave that in theory could have felled a B-17 bomber. In 
the mid-1940s, the U.S. Navy created a program called Project Squid to study 
the German vortex technology. The results are unknown. But Guy Obolensky, an 
American inventor, says he replicated the Nazi device in his laboratory in 
1949. Against hard objects the effect was astounding, he says: It could snap a 
board like a twig. Against soft targets like people, it had a different effect. 
"I felt like I had been hit by a thick rubber blanket," says Obolensky, who 
once stood in its path. The idea seemed to founder for years until recently, 
when the military was intrigued by its nonlethal possibilities. The Army and 
Navy now have vortex projects underway. The SARA lab has tested its prototype 
device at Camp Pendleton, one source says

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