may i ask how it's made? and  what it does precisely? and how?
if you rule out everything electromagnetic 
and psionic that leaves chemical changes.
if you change the chemistry it's no longer water.
can i also inquire who did the fish test, with
supporting particulars?


--- Begin Message ---
The Kinetic water I am involved with, there is no man made energy used, (ie:
electrical energy) no magnets, it's all Natures energies.
Rev. Ted wrote:

> In a message dated 10/30/00 1:24:04 PM EST, writes:
> << I am aware of a number of patents pending in which the strength of
> medicines is
>  increase dramatically by exposure to strong magnetic fields.  These came out
> of
>  studies done at Vanderbilt University in Nashville TN.  I believe they
> called it
>  potentiation in the patent applications.  I would guess that he potentiated
> the
>  heck out of the caffine.  It seems to be a similar effect as what Bob Beck
> warns
>  about with his zapper, except that is supposedly an effect on the cell walls
> and
>  not the drug itself.
>  Wonder what it would do to alcohol?
>  Marshall
>   >>
> Marshall: Do you have any drag racing friends? It would be interesting to
> find out? Roger
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