Joanne ThomasonHello Gaston and Robert...
I have type 2 diabetes and have had it for years.  My BS has been all over the 
place but has settled down to 120 or below regularly I am on glyburide also 2  
tablets a day, one before eating  breakfast and dinner.  It was not till I was 
also placed on Glucophage that I really got control.  I take it after meals, 2 
a day or if I feel I have overeaten I take and extra one.
In spite of the fact I have diabetes I still was not taking care of myself as I 
should and have eaten more carbs than one should.  You know the pills take care 
of it and I was under control.  (I thought) Beginning Nov, 1 (had to get rid of 
the Halloween candy) I gave up all sugar completely. and  am trying to 
eliminate foods with a high glycemic index..  Interesting info. from a friend 
Foods with high glycemlic index are prone to activate diabetes sooner or later. 

The more you eat them the more you have to eat  It is a real addiction.  What 
happens is that once you take sugar (and any simple carbohydrate) you'll 
immediately produce lots of BS.  That's not good for you so your body starts 
producing lots of insulin in order to get rid of the sugar.  The sugar will be 
stored in cells and a few minutes  after that your BS will be very low and you 
will have to eat immediately.  The cycle goes on and on.  You'll develop 
insulin resistance which means you'll need more and more insulin to get the 
same result.  Eventually no matter how much insulin your pancreas produces it 
will not be enough to lower the blood glucose level.  Now you have Diabetes.  
You have to break the cycle.  Stop eating sample carbohydrates.  Fat burning 
exercises (walking) helps for different reason, one of them because it lowers 
insulin resistance.

I have also started walking each day  (VERY IMPORTANT) and I feel great and my 
blood sugar averages about 100.  What does you wife eat.?  You really need to 
watch the carbs!!  It is good you are interested in helping her control the 
diabetes but ,and please do not take this in the wrong way, she also needs to 
take control and be responsible for her own treatment.  I have since giving up 
the carbs and walking and it has only been a couple of days have cut my meds in 

I hope you can get this under control.  I had a foot infection as a result of 
it and have eye problems but I have that under control now.

Good luck and best wishes


      Joanne Thomason

      This is my Beautiful Sami Jo

      Click on me to send my mommy mail :-)

