Sorry List.. just now catching up on email:

For the record, I have picketed here in Atlanta - 3 businesses over the 
years.  Most jurisdictions, not all, you have to check, you can picket, 
dispurse - whatever, in the right of way (ROW) nationwide.  Normally the ROW 
is the first 3 feet of land.  Since I have been in construction most of my 
career, this is pretty much standard across the U.S.   The ROW was 
established initially for other reasons, but we have (at this moment I might 
add) the freedom to use it to picket or dispurse. 

I personally, at this time, don't have the time to do any of this.  Instead, 
I take the heat and the personal attacks on my character and introduce my 
co-workers, co-church members, whatever, to CS, alternative medicine,  the 
illegality of the IRS code and the lists.  Marketing people will tell you 
that word of mouth is still the best way to advertise. 

[ sorry Mike if this is too OT]

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