Hi Robert,

Apparently you MISSED the entire thesis of Stossel's report!

He was NOT commenting on the dangers of dioxin but rather on the
"Politically Correct" yet illogical reasoning of "Ben & Jerry's".  B&J
were demanding their suppliers of carton's that pack their ice cream
have no dioxin in them.  B&J then  distributed literature in their
outlets informing consumers of such a "good deed" and their literature
stated "any level of dioxin is dangerous".   Yet B&J simply omitted
telling the consumers of their products that their product itself has
much more dioxin than the original containers ever thought of having!

Stossel's thesis was that the level of dioxin in the ice cream
probably wasn't harmful (he feeds his own kids B&J ice cream) but for
B&J to declare B&J was so consumer health oriented to change their
containers to protect their customers was simply ludicrous!!!  In my
humble opinion, B&J using such to window dress their public relations
image is outrageous.  So I also say: Give Me A Break!

So, in reality, you should have restated the philosopher as  "There
are B&J's, damned B&J's, and statistics".

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