If indeed argyria is caused by the ingestion of large-particle silver, then it 
stands that large 
particles will, in fact, absorb through the stomach and/or intestinal wall. 
Therefore, any 
assumption that high-ppm CS won't be absorbed is fallacious. There has to be 
more to the 
story than ppm.

Sam Earle

> "Willie L. Forbes" wrote:
> > I have heard that the higher the ppm is the better the CS quality. I have 
> > an associate who 
claims he is using 500 ppm which is suppose to be much better for you 
therapeuticly. He 
claims that the 5ppm is not enough to have any value health wise, and that you 
would have to 
consume much much more to have any real effect.
> > I don't know this is all new to me. Can someone help?
> >
> > Willie L. Forbes
> >
> Not so.  There is a peak in the effectiveness for internal use which is 
> fairly broad from 5 to 
about 20 ppm.  AT 5 ppm you have virtually 100% bsorption into the blood 
stream, and 
once you get above 7 to 8 ppm normally you start getting larger particles, 
instead of more 
particles.  What is important is the amount of
> surface area, and as the particles get larger more of the silver ends up 
> inside where it can 
do no good.  Also as the particles get larger the become too large to be 
absorbed through 
the stomach wall.  Therefore for the maximum value 5 ot 20 ppm is likley the 
best range, with 
5ppm being the most stable.
> 20 ppm is probably best for external use since absorption through the stomach 
> wall is 
> Marshall
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>

>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **


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