Hey Ted,

Way to go!  Suggest that you increase the price to 119.95 a pint and give
your close friends a 7% discount.  Market Economics 101.  Right? When you
don't sell enough of this "valuable and hard to obtain" product, you run a
"special" and lower the price a bit.  Sooner or later you reach a point of
equalibrium between cost of production and sales price.  Then we'll know for
sure just what energized water is really worth .... dollarwise!  No need for
an entrepreneur to ever apologize for the price of his product.  Regards, :
Robert Bartell

P.S.  In the meantime, we are considering 2.50 a gallon cause most of our
friends have lots of bucks. heh, heh, ;-) chuckle

----- Original Message -----
From: Ted Windsor <t...@home.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: CS>List freedom

> Thank you Terry:
> I have given my product away free, it seems when I do this it is not
> appreciated, I did not wish to enter into a word game with Dennis,  thanks
> again for your words of wisdom.
> Blessings
> Ted
> Terry Wayne wrote:
> > Listers,
> > I have been a little disturbed by the responses to Ted
> > Windsor concerning his product.
> >
> > >> jumpin' christ... you just HAVE to love somebody
> > with the big swinging brass ones to try and gouge out
> > $75 for a quart or so of "energised" water that they
> > spent "thousand of dollars" on the equiptment to
> > develop. and this on the authority of (they) "heard"
> > of a fish that didn't suffocate.  what more ringing
> > endorsement could any reasonable being possible want?
> > please take my millions of dollars and do with it what
> > you will and evidence be damned. you are really
> > drunvalo melchizidek in another inicarnation aren't
> > you? i'd bet yer at least friends.
> >
> > The above paragraph communicates several ideas which I
> > find offensive to be expressed on this list.
> >
> > One, Ted doesn't have any choice about revealing the
> > details of the production of his product. If he
> > chooses to keep these details to himself, he is a
> > villain.
> >
> > Two, he must be careful to not charge too much, or he
> > will also be a villain (maybe each of us should submit
> > our prices to this list for the approval of those who
> > feel they know what we should charge).
> >
> > Three, he must also submit all the details of how he
> > became convinced of the efficacy of his product to
> > these same guardians who will tell us if we've made a
> > mistake.
> >
> > Actually, the tone of the paragraph at the top and the
> > others that preceded it sounds identical to what I've
> > repeatedly heard from representatives of the AMA.
> >
> > Ted shouldn't have to run some kind of gauntlet or
> > pass some screening process before he can participate
> > in this list, nor should he (or anyone else) have to
> > fear being blasted with vituperative sarcasm for his
> > views.
> >
> > We will never be able to conduct any objective,
> > intelligent discussions with those of the AMA
> > persuasion (which we need to do) if all they're going
> > to get is recrimination. Isn't that what we complain
> > about getting from them?
> >
> > A primary principle of free enterprise is that we can
> > charge what ever we want - if it's too much, we will
> > make no sales (provided there is competition). To be
> > condemned for our pricing is silly - the market will
> > take care of that.
> >
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