Political humor is widespread and pops up on multiple sites. Tomorrow it will be all over for a while. I apologize to Mike and others for introducing it here. The following example from another site best expresses my sentiments. Regards: Robert Bartell.
Not all fairy tales start with, 'Once upon a time', some start with 'If I am elected'. -Various ************* NOTICE: Tuesday November 7th is the voting day for all parties in the United States. In some cases one could vote earlier than that but no one will be scheduled to vote on Wednesday November 8th. I have had several irate writers who thought I was deliberately trying to get the Democrats not to vote on Tuesday from the tftd for November 2nd. I assumed that besides the obvious fact that election day is on the 7th the clues that two friends who are Democrats (emphasizing the last four letters) had the text reversed would both be flags that this was a fun piece. tftd regrets any angst that this has caused. from: tft...@tamu.ed (Thought For The Day List)