
The difference between a homoeopathic solution and structured water is
that the first is structured to carry the imprint of a particular
substance and is achieved by diluting water carrying that substance many
times whilst vigorously shaking it until virtually none of the original
substance can be said to remain. The power of the solution increases
with dilution.

Structured water on the other hand is presumed to increase the energy
potential of the water molecules by increasing bond angle and creating
distinct arrangements between molecules often referred to as water

Photographs of drop splashes show remarkable kaleidoscopic arrangements
which alter shape depending on the imprint or structure imparted to the
water, as opposed to the rather distorted pictures tap water or
distilled water show.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, 8 November 2000 20:00
Subject: Re: CS>structured water hooey?

> Hi
> Can anyone explain to me the difference between a homoeopathic
> and structured water?
> Thanks,
> Serita

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