Thanks for the concern Ole Bob,

The spark plug doesn't sound like it's working out, but I wasn't going to get 
one anyway until I at least know what it was intended for.  That's why I asked 
about it.  Just wanted more info, that's all.  I'm learning rapidly about CS 
production and don't want to get too quickly carried away .

Everything I've heard from people who have made HVAC ARC CS mentioned the 
danger of fires and shock, so I'm going to try real hard to avoid that part of 
the learning process.  The two main problems I can see, (please add to these if 
necessary) is:

1)  high resistance conections which translate into excessive heat - hence 
fires or damaged insulation and shorting.  Distance/separation from the bare 
high voltage conductors and rated insulation on the rest of the conductors is 
the best safegaurd here.  The sources for neon sign transformers all sell the 
high voltage cable.  An ohmeter can identify any high resistance connections 
before they cause a problem.

2) Loading of the transformer could be greatly affected if the arc is lost and 
the transformer sits at full open circuit voltage for a time.  Overheating in 
the transformer can occur and at best the transformer open circuits and quits 
working.  Here, don't leave the unit unnattended for any length of time and 
adjust the arc frequently during production/evaporation of the water.  Keeping 
the two secondary leads apart prevents shorting, fires, and overloading the 
transformer .

I share the concern for peoples' safety first and foremost.  Secondly, CS 
specifically and alternative health in general don't need any problems caused 
by ignorance and half-cocked attempts.  If you think this needs to be taken 
off-list for this reason that would be fine with me.

Vince Richter

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert L. Berger 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 8:52 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>HVAC Colloidal Silver Generator Construction

  Hold it Vince. 
  Right now you have no idea what you are doing. You can give yourself a Good 
case of  ARGYIA if  you screw up. 

  Don't get the spark plug, I cannot duplicate the work of another you swears 
by the spare plug. 

  Did you get the NO3 test kit??????????  Any arc in air will generate NO3 by 
the barrels. 

  First off you only need one arc and it has to be adjustable. The other 
electrode goes into the DW. 

  I hope you knw what your are ding with 15,000 volts. It can kill or burn you 
house down. That high of voltage will arc track 
  on plastic if there is not a sufficeint separation. 

  I was afraid the some of you would run off in all directions. This is not a 
process to tinker with unless you have the test equipment to measure you 

  Do you have a PWT to measure conductuivuty. Do you have someway to measure 

  PLEASE  PLEASE  PLEASE don't run ahead of me, I will supply all of the data 
and even make the lids for the gallon jug. 

  If you have a lathe I will send sketchs on how to do it. I have had several 
fires, and have evaluated about 6 different lid configurations. 

  This is not a toy. 

  "Ole Bob"