Huh?   Where?    I'd like to get some of that. . . .
Cheese in our part of the country tops 2.65 a lb.

I understand that the person who wrote this is totally anti dairy, but crowing 
over the fact that many people are losing their family farms, and a way of 
life, seems pretty ignorant to me.

THere are many MANY farmers out there who do not use Rbgh or Rbst in their 
dairy farming operations.   There are also many famers looking into organic 
farming, dairying included.

In addition to that, humans were made to be omnivores.  Those who choose the 
vegetarian or vegan way of life, are certainly welcome to it.
Wonder where they'll find THEIR unadulterated food when  to quote Cohen, "we 
will have just factory farms. . . . "  

The more family and small farms driven out of business by low prices for their 
commodities, the more factory farms we'll have.   And that will include the 
raising of our grains, beans, etc, that vegans and vegetarians need to eat as 



  From: Robert Bartell 

  Last year, producers were selling blocks of cheese for $1.44.  Today,
  cheese is selling for 98 cents per pound.