Hi Marshall...

Netscape Messenger can display frames several different ways. If the frame that 
you select
from has a view frame below it then each file you click on will be displayed in 
the view
frame. I don't know if this qualifies as opening, but the email is tagged as 
having been
read, and you can scroll the view frame to view it.

IF you click on the bar with the little up/down arrows at the bottom of the 
select frame
(the frame with the files you select from) then the select frame will expand 
all the way
to the bottom and there will be no view frame. You must then double click on a 
file to
view it and mark it as read; a single click to highlight it will not do that.

I used to use the first method, having the view frame visible, but have 
recently started
using Netscape with the view frame not visible. That way Netscape doesn't tag a 
file as
read just because it got highlighted (very annoying).

I hope this makes sense and is helpful.

Roseburg OR

Marshall Dudley wrote:
> Sorry, but before I can get to the point to click on the file, I have to
> open the email.  It is how can I delete the email without reading it that is
> the problem.
> Marshall

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