Sure Nick;

If the boy is given a pulsed electromagnetic treatment at 12-18 Hz morning
and afternoon for a few hours it will reinforce his beta brainwaves, the
alert phase, and stimulate circulation etc... has two wearable little portables and a table model, and has one portable.

They are low power, gentle, and not dangerous.  You may see additional
positive effects.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Grant" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 4:54 PM
Subject: CS>hypothalamus

| Hi there
| Do any of you know how to stimulate a hypothalamus in to action.  This
| apparently is responsible for a child who is sleeping all the time.  He
| a genetic disorder, so don't go suggesting all the obvious things like
| of iron, thyroid etc.  His problem is his hypothalamus.  I don't know of
| anything that would just work on that.
| I thought maybe someone might know about these zappers, blood purifiers
| whether they would help.  Don't know much about them.  Do any of you use
| them in conjunction with CS?  I am quite interested in them, but pretty
| ignorant.  Could I make them?  (or should I say get them made).
| Thanks
| Tracy.
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