Thanks for posting this Bill D., as I was searching for just this info myself.  
Saves me a lot of time and I won't missplace it again. As I recall, he also 
claimed affiliation with some university reaseach dept. which was exposed as 
untrue! There are truly some really evil people in this world, credentialed and 
otherwise! Robert Bartell
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: BILL D 
  Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 7:13 PM

   by Tim Bolen
  Everyone in the American Health movement knows about the legal 
  troubles (the Indiana case) dumped on Hulda Regehr Clark - and 
  the outcome. What many don't know is that there is, and was, a 
  plot to cause her these problems - and that there is one specific 
  individual, a kingpin, an aging propagandist, behind it all. His 
  name is Stephen Barrett, and he is a de-licensed MD, operating 
  out of his basement in Allentown, PA. Barrett is now, and has 
  been, conducting a "wild-eyed" onslaught against world health 
  humanitarian Hulda Regehr Clark. PhD, ND.
  Early in 1999, Barrett ordered his minions, including his 
  personal attorney Christopher Grell, to mount an all-out, 
  anything goes, attack against Clark.
  Clark's books had been selling well, far better than Barrett's 
  With big promises of financial reward, Barrett had advertised on 
  his website ( for, and found, a female plaintiff 
  to claim that Clark had somehow damaged her at Clark's research 
  clinic in Mexico - a bogus lawsuit against Clark and twenty one 
  other defendants.
  Barrett's attack against Clark didn't stop with just that bogus 
  lawsuit. Barrett goes far further than that. He mounted an 
  all-out attack, one that if Clark supporters hadn't been prepared 
  for, might have worked.

  (1). Apparently, in early 1999, Barrett ordered attorney Grell 
  to file criminal charges against Clark with the Federal Bureau of 
  Investigation in San Diego. The FBI declined to investigate 
  (they had better things to do), but did run an NCIC check which, 
  we all know, ended up in Clark's arrest on seven year old 
  charges, which were later dropped, in Indiana.
  (2). During the case activity, Barrett sent an emotionally 
  disturbed man, who blames Clark for his mother's death of cancer, 
  to a Clark rally for the express purpose of disrupting it. The 
  man claims that although his mother never did Clark's protocol 
  (he wouldn't let her), that somehow Clark is still responsible 
  for his mother's death. Barrett, who has had Psychiatric 
  training (although never Board Certified), was well aware that 
  this man had said in public "I don't know what I'd do if I ever 
  met Clark." Barrett sent him anyway, and did not notify police 
  of the potential danger to Clark, and her supporters. 
  Fortunately, Clark supporters, monitoring Barrett's chat group 
  (healthfraud.ssr), intercepted the discussion, and alerted 
  authorities. The man was ordered off the property, and Clark was 
  kept safe.
  (3). Barrett's heir apparent to the "quackbuster" throne is, I 
  believe, Terry Polevoy, MD, a "pimple doctor" in Canada. Polevoy 
  is now, and has been, under investigation by Canadian authorities 
  for a number of reasons. According to the Canadian press, 
  Polevoy entered Canada as a draft dodger from the United States. 
  Polevoy stalked Canadian Radio personality Christine McPhee for 
  months, and other females for shorter periods of time. Polevoy 
  may have ceased his clandestine following of McPhee, and others, 
  after police raided his home late one night, questioning his 
  activities. Canadian medical authorities are investigating 
  allegations of mental instability and professional misconduct 
  against Polevoy. Polevoy could lose his medical license.
  Polevoy operates a "hate" website where he specializes in attacks 
  against leading-edge health professionals that spurn the heavy 
  prescribing of dangerous drugs. Polevoy conducted such a 
  virulent attack against Clark in Canada that Clark Supporters 
  felt it necessary to put an armed cordon around Clark when she 
  was the guest speaker in Toronto. Toronto police were standing 
  by to assist. Polevoy's website was turned off by his original 
  provider, but he has since found space for his virulence from 
  another fringe group..
  (4). Barrett conducts an internet campaign to disrupt Clark's 
  activities and her support network. (a) Barrett has set up a 
  system whereby when someone "searches" for Clark information on 
  the internet, they are sent to a series of websites, including 
  his own and Polevoy's, where virulent dis-information is thrust 
  at the reader as authoritative. The websites are run by a house 
  painter in Ohio, a 22-year old veterinary student (who works with 
  Polevoy) in Canada, an unemployed computer consultant (whose wife 
  supports him) in Australia - not by anyone with credentials. (b) 
  Barrett minions have infiltrated and disrupted the Clark 
  discussion groups. Several of Barrett's hate-mongers have 
  infiltrated the drcl...@egroups list and verbally truncheon Clark 
  supporters and those interested in information on Clark's 
  protocols. (c) Barrett threatens lawsuits against anyone who 
  tells Clark supporters the truth about Barrett's activities. (d) 
  Barrett is making false statements, and providing 
  mis-information, to internet service providers in attempts to 
  damage the Clark network. (e) and more...

  San Francisco based lawyer Christopher Grell is Stephen Barrett's 
  personal attorney, and has represented him, AND LOST, in at least 
  two cases we know of. Grell has a record of absurdly filed 
  lawsuits, which he spends a lot of time on. He causes the 
  opposition to spend a lot of time (and money) on these cases, and 
  then he loses - and then loses on appeal.
  I believe that Barrett and his minions, including Grell, have 
  conspired to intentionally abuse our court system to "stalk" 
  Hulda Regehr Clark for the express purpose of stopping, or 
  slowing, the research she has devoted her life to. I believe 
  Barrett and his minions know that Clark's protocols have helped 
  thousands of people - and for that reason they want them stopped. 
  I believe that Barrett, and his henchmen, want the protocols 
  stopped knowing that such an action would cause the suffering and 
  deaths of millions of people worldwide - and they don't care.
  I have reason to believe that Christopher Grell is a legal 
  "stalker-for-hire." I believe that Stephen Barrett, directly, 
  or once-removed, is a "wild-eyed" vexatious litigant, and is the 
  "real litigant" behind Figuero vs. Clark. In California there is 
  law forbidding "vexatious litigants," those that use the courts 
  to harass, and stalk, people they do not like, or do not agree 
  I have reason to believe, Barrett, and hence Grell, are working 
  directly for, and indirectly for, and are being paid directly, 
  and indirectly, by the sleaziest of the drug lords.

  Stephen Barrett has threatened to sue me several times over my 
  opinions about his activities, but has failed to do so. I 
  believe he knows that I would use the opportunity to sieze his 
  records with a court order, and I'd be in his basement lair with 
  my research team, and their microscopes, before he could bellow 
  "Heil Hitler" four times in a row.
  Stephen Barrett is scared to death of me - and he should be - for 
  if I get access to his records, I'll turn over everything I find 
  interesting to a Federal Grand Jury investigation, and write a 
  book about it...

  The public needs to know "Who exactly is paying Christopher Grell 
  's legal fees?" In the Clark case alone (two years of 
  litigation against 22 defendants), it looks like Grell was able 
  to amass billing hours somewhere between $700,000 to 1.2 million 
  dollars. As far as I know the Figueroas don't have this kind of 
  money, and I doubt that Stephen Barrett is sending him personal 
  checks. So where is the money coming from?
  Specifically, who, EXACTLY, is PAYING Grell to harass Clark?
  Barrett makes claim to be an "expert in quackery." He, and his 
  minions, have named Hulda Clark as a "quack." Barrett's "lack of 
  expertise" was exposed last year in a court case in New York 
  state, when it was discovered, in the courtroom, that Barrett 
  mis-represents his credentials, claiming he is "a retired 
  Psychiatrist." Barrett was forced to admit, under oath, that he, 
  in fact, had never been Board Certified, in any State, or 
  anywhere in the world, as a Psychiatrist.
  Barrett's publicized Curriculum Vitae seems to indicate that he, 
  for whatever reason, was unable to hold a job for any length of 
  time, over the ENTIRE LENGTH of his career.
  The government of New Zealand, in a scathing report, OFFICIALLY 
  declared the writings of Stephen Barrett as "propaganda, and of 
  no evidentiary value."

  Carlos F. Negrete is a well known California based Civil attorney 
  who takes on, and WINS, high profile cases. Among his many 
  experiences, he has successfully fought HMOs for their refusal to 
  treat patients. He is a known advocate of patients' rights.
  After analyzing the Clark case Negrete says "This is a very 
  suspicious case. It looks to me that there is a hidden agenda 
  here, that has nothing to do with the original filing of the 
  case. For good cause, we are demanding that Plaintiff's 
  attorney immediately produce evidence backing their doubtful 
  claims - and produce the Plaintiffs for deposition, which we will 
  video tape. Up to now, although the Plaintiff's attorney has 
  made grandiose claims, he has failed to come forward with any 
  meaningful evidence. Shockingly, the Plaintiff's attorney has 
  failed to produce one single piece of medical documentation to 
  support ANY of his client's dubious claims. More importantly, 
  the Plaintiffs have not "legally verified" any of the answers to 
  our questions. And, attorney Grell is refusing to produce the 
  Plaintiffs for deposition. I'm beginning to wonder if there 
  really is a Plaintiff, at all, or whether Grell has made them up 
  out of whole cloth."

  Negrete also says "Dr. Clark will not be intimidated into 
  stopping the research that she has devoted her life to, for the 
  benefit of millions of people. We intend to vigorously fight 
  these specious, unsupported, and irresponsible claims. Dr. Clark 
  does not intend to cower away from mean spirited attacks on her 
  reputation. We strongly believe that Dr. Clark will ultimately 
  prevail in the lawsuit and be vindicated."
  Barrett isn't going to like Negrete, one bit...

  Christopher Grell sued twenty-two defendants in the Figueroa vs. 
  Clark case. In almost two years he has made no effort to 
  subpoena more than half of those. Some of those named in the 
  suit as co-defendants with Dr. Clark, the Clark team has never 
  heard of, and it is not explained in the suit what their 
  relationship might be. One of the defendants named does not 
  exist at all, and never has. Another defendant wasn't even 
  around during the time of the supposed incident.
  It is not known whether Barrett's lawyer, Christopher Grell, did 
  shoddy preparation for the Figuero lawsuit, or whether his 
  actions were intentional. There are facts about Grell and 
  Barrett which point in either, and both, directions. Shoddy 
  preparation and inadequate legal activities can be a tactic to 
  exhaust the opposition's legal funds.
  Grell can't, or won't, produce the so-called Plaintiffs, Esther 
  and Jose Figueroa. The Plaintiffs don't appear to have any part 
  in the case. And it looks like they are not, themselves, 
  answering the court-ordered legal "interrogatories" and demands 
  for information. It may be that Grell/Barrett are keeping the 
  Figueroas themselves in the dark, for their own reasons, or to 
  further their own agenda.
  Meanwhile, Stephen Barrett's minions announce the so-called 
  Figueroa "complaints" in the case all over the internet as though 
  they were true.

  Tim Bolen 
  JuriMed - Public Relations and Research Group