Hi Tracy,

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 22:18:06 +1300, "Nick Grant" <nwgr...@inet.net.nz>

>Would you please give me the website address that I had the other day of
>Hulda Clarks.  I went to view it tonight to show someone, and I cannot find

Here are some I ran across (several of the sites I had bookmarked are
no longer available -- and I haven't been able to find the new sites,
if any).


Note that some of the above sites have bunches of other pages of info.

And here's a quote from Clark's first book (from the first WWW site

"Look at the case histories. It is not unusual for someone to have a
dozen (or more) parasites out of the 120 parasites I have samples of.
..You can assume that you, too have a dozen different parasites".
(Authors note - you are especially likely to have parasites if reading
this is making you feel a little 'queasy'). "We are heavily parasited
beings! Our bodies are large enough to provide food and shelter for
lots of these free loaders. If they were settled on the outside where
we could see them, like lice or ticks, we would rid ourselves in a
flash.  But what about IN our flesh? We cannot see inside ourselves,
so we mistakenly assume that nothing is there.

I have seen that eczema is due to roundworms.  Seizures are caused by
a single roundworm, Ascaris, getting into the brain.  Schizophrenia
and depression are caused by parasites in the brain.  Asthma is caused
by Ascaris in the lungs.  Diabetes is caused by the pancreatic fluke
of cattle, Eurytrema.  Migraines are caused by the threadworm,
Strongyloides.  Acne rosacea is caused by a Leishmaina.  Much human
heart disease is caused by dog heartworm, Dirofilaria.  And the list
goes on.

Getting rid of all these parasites would be absolutely impossible
using clinical medicines that can kill only one or two parasites each.
Such medicines also tend to make you quite ill. Flagyl(TM) is used for
amoebas and Giardia; when the correct dosage is used, it can cause
extreme nausea and vomiting. Quinine for malaria is quite toxic.
Imagine taking 10 such drugs to kill a dozen of your parasites! Good
news, perhaps, for the drug makers but not for you."
-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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