> Dear Russ, I thought the heat was to kill the germs. Whatever...

It was, as originally discovered by Pasteur.  However, the USDA
pasteurization standard is based on an Enzymatic Activity Test--they
ensure that the milk is not only sterile, but "dead".  

> My pancreas is fine, so far.

You said it--"so far."  Due to the American proclivity for cooking,
preservatives, additives, pasteurization, etc., the avg. pancreas is
reportedly distended to 5X optimal size.  The universality of such
conditions keeps alopathy in business; it's why they base their health
criteria on *normative* standards rather than optimal.  E.g., 20%
arterial blockage is "normal" test results for an American male in his
20's.  (The Bible says *entire nations* can be deceived.)

> I love milk, 

So did I (Hagen-Daz EVERY night!) until I gave it up years ago, along
with ALL my "seasonal allergies".

> and since I`m more concerned with quality of life 
> reather than
> quantity, I`ll keep drinking it!

We can have quantity AND quality, if we forego the the luxury of
intransigency; if not, we can have neither.  

We're all interested in "quality of life," a tenable balance between
gratification & sustainability.  The difference in your perception about
whether drinking milk si a qualitative practice, and those who have
replaced it with equally gratifying SUBSTITUTES, is that your perspective
is more short-term, and that you've NOT YET suffered (or recognized) the
consequences of this set of proven risks.

> I really would have a goat for milk, if I didn`t have to live in an
> apartment. sigh...
> I`ve kept goats before. and they are such neat critters! The boys 
> are tasty,
> too.

Goat milk is close to human, a little richer in protein.  

Cow's milk clabbers in the stomach and the water separates out, leaving a
ball of concentrated milk solids that are highly irritant to the human GI
tract.  As a defensive reaction, the mucosa lining the intestines produce
an glutinous rather than lubricious secretion, which eventually builds up
and hardens into a black/green residue inside the intestinal walls, layer
upon layer for years; an acidic haven for parasites, that starves, kills
and finally perforates the intestines, allowing the capillaries lining
the bowel to pick up and distribute toxins from this stagnation to every
cell in the body.  

The problem with trading "quantity of life" (longevity) for hedonistic
"quality" is how gradually and agonizingly one expires...quite a
different route from maintaining HEALTH by heeding scientific
information, right up until the night you die peacefully in your sleep.  


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