To all Clark supporters:
I have in front of me excerpts from Dr. Clark's newest book,
called simply "The Lab Manual."
Although I respect all of her works, I think this one is the
best. It has, before final edit, 134 experiments to take Clark
enthusiasts to a new level of understanding and ability. It is
designed to work at any level of expertise. It is simple enough
to follow, and complicated enough to teach.
Dr. Clark has assigned us several functions over the new book.
(1) Set up a two-day seminar for 200 to 500 people around the
first week of March, 2001 in the central US, and (2) set up an
internet discussion group we'll call Clark Workshop dedicated
only to work through the experiments in the book.
We are already started on both projects. On number (2), we are
looking for four, or more, "lab assistants" to help others
through the experiments. Volunteers can contact us at our e-mail
I repeat - this is the best book of all...

Tim Bolen
JuriMed - Public Relations and Research Group