Hi Listers and Mama2Bear
Just a note to up date on Nathan's condition/improvement.
This is an article submitted to a new magazine. (strong  on cs)

Dear Friends of the Naturopathic Physician and subscribers to this new
magazine.  If you read this article you will see a deeply religious
individual serving the one true God.  If this does offend you I am sorry
and will not ask you to read further.  The opinions of the writer of this
article are not necessarily the opinions of the Editor or others associated
with the Naturopathic Physician, N.M.D. magazine.  

Have been very busy with studies and work recently.  Last Saturday was the
final day of my internship.  I rode back from Arkansas with the King!  His
presence was gratefully appreciated as I need Him daily.  So many in life
never get to know and find pardon and cleansing from sin.  It is wonderful
just to know Him and the power of His resurrection!  
After the internship we had graduation and the Lord helping me not to
flunk, I was awarded the Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree.  Will be
looking to set up clinic somewhere.  The next question will be how to pay
for the equipment.

On August 2, 2000, Nathan (#3 child) was having pipe loaded on his 18
wheeler in Livonia, Michigan in the rain, when the fork lift banged the
truck and one piece of pipe turned partially around and knocked him down
and then fell on his legs.  8 pieces of pipe made a 40,000 lb load so one
weighed about 5,000 lb.  It knocked him senseless and when he came to he
said, (I quote) "I could see myself in hell in two minutes." He wasn't
wrong in that statement as he was running from God and the Spirit's call to
intercessory prayer.  He began to scream for mercy and God graciously
spared him to repent and clean up his life. You wouldn't recognize him now,
as he is so different!  
Daughter Debbie lives about 1½ hours from Ann Arbor so we were able to stay
there and ferry supplies to him.  
The list of damage done is extensive.  
The femur in his right leg was smashed to crumbs near the middle.  About 6
inches of the bone was removed in operation.  
The left tibia and fibula were snapped off above the ankle with the foot
turned up against his leg.  
The femoral artery was smashed beyond usage.
The pipe rolled after it landed on him and opened the right leg to the bone
for about 14 inches.  
The femoral artery was opened and life was fast ebbing, but God saw to it
that the medics were right there and one was able to control the loss of
The gracilis muscle in his right leg was removed in the ensuing surgeries.
12 hours on the operating table the first time but they had to quit as his
body was shutting down in death and could not take any more.  It took 16
litres of blood to keep him alive.  He asked if they could save his legs
and they said they would try.  A marvelous team of surgeons in what
probably could be considered the best trauma hospital in the U.S., in Ann
Arbor, removed a section of one of the tibial (most likely) veins and
restructured it  to replace the femoral artery.  Put a pin in his right leg
to hold the sections together.  
Multiple fractures to the legs, feet, and knees.
Multiple contusions here and there.  
Was on a ventilator for several days and when they thought it could be
removed his body would shut down and not be able to breathe on his own.
Living on morphine as the pain was so intense.  
The trauma team felt they would have to pin and screw his left foot
together.  But when they got around to the surgery and the preliminary
x-rays they found that the bones had realigned sufficiently as to not merit
an operation.  An answer to many prayers.  
With the gracilis muscle removed they told Nathan he would not have the
motor control to bring that leg together with the other leg.
But, GOD has regrown that muscle and he has the motor control!
The main neural trunk feeding impulses to the lower right leg extremities
was thought to be severed and would take a special operation to attach the
nerves again, but when they were ready for the operation it was found, GOD
again had undertaken and there was a mending of the area, obviating the
necessity of an operation.  

On top of all this the hospital infection, pseudomonas aeruginosa  set in.
(This is one of those they hope to control with antibiotics.)
Then bits and pieces of scuttlebut began to filter in that there was
thought of amputating one or both of the legs to save his life.  
About 8-6-2000 they were able to remove the ventilator and he was stable in
At this time permission was granted by the hospital and doctors for us to
bring him juices as he wanted. 
We began bringing  one quart a day of silver colloid which had grape juice
in it.
After about 7 days we brought bone marrow extract and herbs, etc. in apple
juice at the rate of one quart per day.  There were other "additives" to
the mix from time to time, but I'll not bore you with the nutritionals.  In
about one month he was transferred to a rehab department closer to
"temporary home" and two weeks later or slightly less was discharged to
stay at a friend's house.
In 88 days Nathan came walking into church with nothing but the aid of
crutches.  In the last three weeks he has laid aside the crutches and uses
a cane.  Update as of  November 30, 2000 he no longer uses a cane and is
navigating on his own (120 days). With such massive wounds and infections
To help top it all off, he is not addicted to morphine.  
The doctor looked at the skin graft at the two month time frame and called
in a skin specialist.  The specialist asked how old the graft was?  It was
replied two months.  He stated amazement as he would have expected to see
the improvement visible at the 5-6 month level.    
The three month x-rays show some major reconstruction of the bones, but
there is a ways to go yet.  
Nathan has been doing some work lately operating a mini-excavator for the
man where he is staying.  Truly a marvelous recovery.  I am needing to go
back to Michigan and continue with the juices and herbs on or about the 5th
of December as Nathan  has requested it.  If the Lord will work out the
details I may try to start a clinic up there or at least attach to another
Naturopathic Doctor for some much needed clinical experience. 
He couldn't have made it without the trauma team.
He very possibly wouldn't have made it without the inputs.
We couldn't have done anything except--------GOD thru the shed blood of His
Son Jesus Christ made up the differences.  
It there are those who would like to have the list of nutritionals and
quantities given, you can email me at h...@mcmo.net. (I hope to get the
emails in Michigan.)
Home phone 573-924-2254
Michigan Message phone 517-729-9728

Love to all,  
Stephen K. Hessler, N.M.D.    

At 11:39 AM 12/3/00 EST, you wrote:
>Judith, where do you get this tea?  Thanks.
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