Silver Gang,

Stevia comes in liquid and powder form. The powder from
different companies varies in color and taste. The almost white
powder, consisting of 90% steviosides (the active ingredient),
seems to be the most palatable.

The liquid comes in 2 oz bottles and costs 6 to 8 dollars.
A bottle lasts a long time as it is used 2-3 drops to a drink.
Stevia has saved me thousands of sugar calories. Taste is good 
in cool drinks, some getting used to in warm drinks.

The liquid is much easier to use and can be simply made from the powder. 
Dissolve the powder into a small amount of liquid (say an ounce or two) 
consisting of 50% good water and 50% vodka (ratio not critical) and stir
until the solution is saturated and no more powder will dissolve (approximately
2 to 3 tablespoonsful).  That's it. Pretty close to the commercial liquid 
One ounce of the powder will probably last 1 to 2 years or more.
Stay well,
Tom Bassett

Liquid is approximately
7 to 9 dollars per 2 oz. Two oz lasts a long time as it is used
2-3 drops per drink.

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