In a message dated 12/18/2000 12:43:51 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< If it heals, he is right.  If it turns black, the black part most likely 
 need to get cut off.  If any tissue is removed, I would keep the open area 
 with CS so it can stand a chance of healing totally without any scars.
 Marshall >>

She has already started using silvadean. (spelling)  This an ointmant that
doctors use for burns and it also helps in the case of just infections.
The doctor she works for hurt his finger a few months back.  He went to his
doctor and got a shot and some antibiotics.  The finger just got worse.
I told her if he would not use natural remedies, to put some of the silver 
they use for burns on it.  He did and it started healing immediately.  So this
is what we are using until we find something better.  Thanks Marshall,

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