Dear Tracy,
                        I just read your post.  I believe you may be utilizing
some inaccurate
information regarding the effectiveness cycle of  Colloidal Silver for
alimentary afflictions.  We have, over the past 5 years, conducted numerous
evaluations with CS (5 ppm to 30 ppm strengths) used as the principal
experimental protocol subjects..  These studies were conducted on both
sacrificial animals (rats) and larger, non-sacrificial large mammals (dogs and
humans);  the average effectivity of the weakest solutions (5 ppm) in
quantities as low as 1.5 ounces were successful in a "flooding coverage" of the
duodenum and upper stomach---in dogs---within 45 seconds......resulting in
pathogenic control (population reduction) of a average of 95%----of all of the
identifiable pathogenic agents (both viral and bacteriological}within
approximately 6 minutes, average elapsed time.
    `            Excepting one (non-pathogenic) bacteria---which proliferates
in silver solutions, we have never tested colloidal silver on a
pathogen.....which it failed to control.  The one proviso is that the CS MUST
be in a contact environmental relationship with the pathogenic agent.
                There is a rather voluminous number of comments in the
Silver-List Archives relative to overcoming the challenges of mucosa forms
separating the epithelial tissues from high surface-tension CS solutions, and
the measures required to overcome them  (weak solution of DMSO being the most
effective....that we utilized).
                One additional comment.  I do not know the source of your
information regarding the time required to establish an effective titer in the
bloodstream......but we have found that one can be established in a matter of
MINUTES, under the proper methodologies.  The most limited of amateur
researchers can safely employ CS, together with suitable
surfactants/transporters and achieve therapeutic titers effective against a
majority of the most common pathogenic agents (excepting certain pulmonary
insults involving dense mucous isolations).
                    I believe you would be well-served to locate----and place a
name beside the information source substantiating your statements relating to
systemic build-up of effective levels of CS.  We have found that it is not
necessary to build up systemic or deep-tissue titers of gain
effective control of alimentary tract insults.  In fact, alimentary insults are
the MOST EASILY controlled of any we have ever evaluated.  CS is the only agent
we have ever evaluated, that yields complete---and rapid (less than 15 minutes)
control of botulinum.
                        Please understand I am not trying to be adversarial or
hypercritical with these comments.....just trying to avail you of the benefits
of research already conducted.
                                                Brooks Bradley.
Nick Grant wrote:

> Hi everyone
> Yesterday we were exposed to a vomiting bug.  Has anyone used CS to prevent
> getting a tummy bug once exposed to it.  What amounts should you use for
> adults and children?  The incubation is 2 days, and I know CS takes 3 days
> to build up in the system and saturate the cells.  Will it still work, or
> help minimise the effects of the bug?
> Thanks
> Tracy.
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