Thanks everyone for your help.

I will keep you posted on the progress of the CS and its use....

Unfortunately, the parents are still living in the world where 'magic
wands' still abound a plenty! Particularly those waved by the white
coat brigade.
That is to say, they still believe implicitly in their GP, who also happens
be my GP too. We've had many encounters of the *alternative* kind
over the years, and while he is a competent and very industrious
prescription writer he feels so threatened when I mention alternative
treatments and therapies.
I've got to the stage where I use him much like my car mechanic and
tell him what I want and how to do it, and then let him give me all
the reasons why I'm wrong in my thinking....Very interesting!!

The GP is treating it as a virus, no pathology to determine which one, as
per Brooks suggestion, and hasn't as yet prescribed anything, which I felt
was praiseworthy considering the pressure that my daughter, the child's
is famous for in bringing to bare in these sort of situations!!

I know that the parents will eventually use the CS on my grand daughter, but
unfortunately only after the condition gets worse, a condition which I hope
and pray will not happen.
As they have other young children, and given the very contagious nature of
this condition, what do list members feel about using a preventative dose of
on the other children, and perhaps even the parents themselves!?

My thinking is that it shouldn't hurt, but they have to get over the first
of actually using it on the 10 month old first of all.

Thanks again, and rich Christmas blessings for all of you out there in CS


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