My wife just had a shoulder problem which was painful, preventing full range
of motion, and prevented good night sleeps.  1/2 DMSO mixed with 1/2 CS (one
part of each) applied to the shoulder twice a day, in her case, fixed the
problem in about 3 days.  Application before bed and in the morning did the
trick.  This could be done more often if necessary and longer if necessary.
There should be a noticable improvement very quickly - immediately to 24
hours in my limited experience.

Hope the problem gets better soon.

Vince Richter

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frances Jo" <>
To: "silver" <>; "alt. health"
Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2000 1:21 AM
Subject: CS>question

> Can someone give me ideas of natural alternative to Aleve for
> anti-inflamatories?  My husband's shoulders are getting very painful and
> the dr. thinks it's just inflammed tendons and wants him to take Aleve,
> 2 x 2 a day for 3 weeks.  He doesn't want to.  Thanks.
> --
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