A.V.R.A---I don't know what your name or e-mail address is, but would you
give me permission to pass your personal experience here on to others who
would appreciate reading this? Is an oxygen nebulizer a regular nebulizer?
Thank you-whomever you are. Elaine
----- Original Message -----
From: "A.V.R.A" <colloidalsilverd...@hotmail.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 2:10 AM
Subject: CS>Personal Experience Update on Nebulizer/Humidifier Use

> Greetings all!
> Many of you might remember a little over a month ago the immediate onset
> a lung condition I described to the group.  This has been the most severe
> illness I personally have experienced thusfar in life.  I remember one
> person writing, telling me that I must have a death wish for not taking
> myself in to the nearest hospital.
> To refresh, one moment I was in perfect ( apparent ) health, the next
> I experienced an incredible pain in the lower lung,  right lobe.  Within
> hours from this first pain, I went from perfectly fine to literally unable
> to walk.  My wife begged me to let her take me to the hospital.  I
> At this time, I could feel the fluid building up in this lung, and I knew
> that it was enough to demand a chest tube.  I had NO immune system
> No temperature, no loss of appetite, no weight loss, NOTHING.  Since I've
> often followed Hospitals 2000 ( now 2001 I'm sure ) yearly hospital
> infection reports and their compiled statistics, I figured in THIS case it
> was a Bad Idea to go to a hospital.  With an incredible reduction in the
> oxygen level in my own blood, and with my immune system apparently on a
> vacation, I didn't want to take the risk.
> I remember sitting alone that night, unable to lie down because I would
> be able to take a breath.  If I sat perfectly still for about ten minutes,
> it felt as if I were completely healthy.  If I raised my arm or stood to
> walk, I would immediately become weaker than I'd ever been in this life.
> Every thought was focused on taking a breath, until I sat still long
> to feel better.
> I can say with all honesty that I felt on the virge of death.  I had to
> both with this fear, and my own personal choice.  Having conquered the
> that night, I did not experience it again.  However, my oxygen tank was
> empty, and various methods that I attempted the next morning had no
> I used Eucalytpus oil to help with my airways, and somehow managed to get
> the oxygen tank filled that afternoon.
> That night, I was fairly desperate for air, but not as desperate as I
> become the next morning.  In my mind, viewing my own state of being, I
> that there was a greater fluid buildup in my lungs ( both now ), however,
> lung span and the amount of oxygen I was getting seemed to be about the
> same, relatively speaking.  I used my colloidal silver solution and gave
> first try at the oxygen nebulizer that night.
> It wasn't until the following morning that I realized that the nebulizer
> of the night before did no good whatsoever.  I had used the nebulizer many
> times before with healthy lungs, and trying to use with this condition was
> COMPLETELY different.
> While it seemed that my lung condition remained about the same, my state
> health was not.  I assume the lack of oxygen was taking it's toll, and I
> weakening, trembling even.
> This prompted a more whole-hearted effort with the nebulizer.  To date, no
> fever, no loss of appetite, no cough response, no "aching", no changes in
> elimination system - everything indicated either an incredibly reduced
> immune system response, or none at all.  I have a very fast burning
> metabolism, and this probably more than anything kept me going.
> So, on this morning, I determined that I needed to get the colloidal
> to the lower lungs, no matter how painful this might be.  I'd already made
> peace with my "maker" so to speak.  The first two inhalations failed.  I
> learned I had to slowly empty out my lungs, then starve them for a bit
> before breathing the CS mist in.  The EXACT first time I accomplished this
> properly, I started to feel the effects.
> In all honesty, I don't know how many minutes passed between that first
> "true breath" and the extreme reaction.  I guess about four minutes.  The
> reaction was the most "violent" reaction I've had to anything in my life.
> don't know how I managed to take a breath when the effect started.  There
> was a rush to the head, an extreme pain to the neck ( this I only noticed
> with hindsight ).  One moment I was sitting on the floor, contemplating
> using the nebulizer again while trying to breath, the next, BAM!  The
> coughing reaction was incredible to the point I must have been purple
> my veins were elevated like long plateaus, and I really thought if I could
> have choked up my stomach, I would have.
> This lasted somewhere around 15 minutes.  From that point forward, it was
> all downhill.  I only used the nebulizer, if I remember correctly, once
> MUCH later that day.  The second reaction was similar but nowhere near
> of the first.  I regained lung capacity.  By the next day, I was able to
> function.
> By the day after that, I was feeling well enough to stop the nebulizer
> treatment to see how well my body was responding.  It did not improve, and
> MIGHT have been starting to get worse again.  I played with various usage
> times and amounts, with an ultrasonic humidifier ( I believe the oxygen
> nebulizer worked much better, but the humidifier did the job in the end )
> see how my body would respond.  I wish I had formalized this a bit more,
> at the time I was just so thrilled at the results and at feeling better.
> A small infection remained, with a small amount of fluid that I could
> feel in that lower right lobe.  Still, no fever, NOTHING.  Finally, I was
> "done playing" and I set a regime of ~ 45 secs - 2 mins of colloidal
> use every fifteen minutes, set according to tolerance.  I learned rapidly
> that it's best to take one full breath of CS, followed by one normal
> of air.  I used the text-book pranayama  breathing style for maximum
> effectiveness ( earlier, I couldn't even THINK about pranayama yet alone
> perform it! ).
> After about four hours of doing this, I was really starting to feel
> Then, I repeated the same "protocol" later that night, this time, I was
> about two hours into it, when WAM my immune system fired up.  I didn't
> measure my fever, but I would guess it hit about 102, with the sweats and
> aching body.  I felt mildly miserable but triumphant.  The fever broke
> sometime late that night ( or early in the morning ), and by the next day
> was on the rapid road to full recovery.  This must have been about 10 days
> ago? ( sorry, time is not my strongpoint! ).
> Today, my lungs are clear and I feel like my old self.  I probably
> have mentioned it to the list again, accept for the following:
> Three days ago, the same thing happened to my wife.  The symptoms were
> EXACT, accept the fact that it was her LEFT side.
> I might play around with my health, but certainly not hers.  In her case,
> had the tools available for use, and not 48 hours + later.  Following from
> my personal experience, she was able to devolop a rapid profficiency with
> using the humidifier.  At first, she felt that casual use would probably
> suffice.  After STRONGLY reminding her of what my next eight hours were
> like, and then those that FOLLOWED, she wisely then chose to do the 15
> minute usage "protocol".  Keep in mind, it is not pleasant.  It hurts.  It
> doesn't hurt with healthy lungs, but when that mist reaches those infected
> tissues, for whatever reason, it's NOT fun.
> Now, an hour into the treatment, she was starting to get scared.  To feel
> all of your strength start to drain away that rapidly is quite an
> experience.  And THEN, not being able to breath...  *shudders*.  After
> hours, she paused, in a space of non-judgement ( I think she afraid to
> she was feeling better! ).  Now, I should mention that she did NOT get the
> reaction that I first received, probably because she started before one
> could feel the fluid "slogging" around in the lung.  She used it for "an
> hour" before bedtime, and then the ALL IMPORTANT FIRST USE IN THE
> before the fluids can completely drain into the lower lungs via gravity.
> That day, she recovered fully, as far as I can tell ( I am real in tune
> my own body ).  Today, she's certainly fine.
> I tell this personal experience in such a full monolog in the hopes that
> anyone out there listening, upon experiencing similiar inital symptoms,
> would ACT QUICKLY!  If one waits too long, one is seriously jeapordizing
> one's health.  If I were 20 years older, I don't think I would have
> that first real colloidal silver treatment.  I think I would have coded.
> Furthermore, if one responds quickly enough, one can use this very
> aggressive "protocol", without limiting one's options.  ( Remember, it was
> about eight hours into it that I really started to get concerned, and my
> wife started within the first hour of experiencing the first and
> hard-hitting pain in the lung ).
> I also tell this story in the hopes that if someone whom is of the mind to
> take personal responsibility in their experiments, having read the
> claims on the list that "normal" colloidal silver doesn't work, realizes
> that I used a very poorly brewed "batch" of colloidal silver, because it's
> all I had on hand.  In fact, I filmed the process of making that EXACT
> from beginning to end, and I "overburned" it by about thirty minutes just
> demonstrate the whole process on video.  I let this 9 volt battery brew
> settle out for a few days ( not for any particular reason ), and later
> combined it with a current limited batch I had made with a Coyote low
> voltage generator, because I was too lazy to get a fresh container. I
> usually do this, but I was doing quite a bit of photography and film work,
> and I'd just finished it up.  I was planning on using that CS as a base
> a healing clay batch, and I didn't have a batch saved of "properly" made
> I had added all THAT to essential oil spritzers.
> Granted, you would want the best colloidal silver possible, IF possible.
> used a colloidal silver made from an example batch of how "not" to make
> colloidal silver.  This stuff would have made the CS perfectionist's eyes
> widen, with the bajeegas crawling down the spine!  ( It wasn't THAT bad,
> standard over-yellow rather than "gold-hue", that actually wasn't potent
> enough to keep the yellow color when added with a low PPM 32 ounce
> solution ).
> I also say this in partial justification why I get so irritated with
> comments such as "yellow colloidal silver is worthless".  To some, they
> might just be words cast off without thought, just a part of a
> sentance with just the right punch to get that editorial flare and oh so
> "shining just right" lead in.  To me, I ask myself, "If I would listen to
> this stuff like this, where would I be?  Where would my wife be?  Where
> would my son be?"
> Well I for one can say, I'm sitting right where I am, and without one shed
> of regret!
> --
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