In a message dated 3/22/01 11:22:22 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj:     Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V101 #351
 Date:  3/22/01 11:22:22 AM EST
 From: (Robert L. Berger)
 Hi James;
 I am inclined to believe Jon's invitro test for the following.
 In January  my wife and I came down with "an upper respiratory infection" We
 took everything the M.D.'s, prescribed plus a whole bunch of CS and in three
 weeks we were much better.
 Well a week ago it had returned, and we have been advised that there is a 
 of bronchitis and pneumonia going around.
 I have used CS, sambucol, and even made the nebulizer from an artist spray. I
 have use it with protocol recommend by Brooks Bailey; 20 % DMSO, 80 % CS 10 
 with a dash of MSM (that tastes like hell). I have stuffed it up my nose and
 sucked it into my lungs and there has been very little relief. I do not cough
 very often but can't shack it.
 My wife will not use the nebulizer but has done all of the other stuff and 
 cough is very bad.
 What ever we have CS is of little value. I have seen a report that there are 
 few pathogens that CS will not touch. Don't remember where but will keep an 
 out for it.
 May be its the dreid red blood cell damage that the group in Santa Fe. N.M.
 posted several weeks ago. The air force is really blanketing K.C. MO. are 
 that "stuff".
 "Ole Bob"

Bob: Perhaps mucous is covering the infected areas, preventing the CS from 
coming in contact with the pathogens. Does anyone know how to reduce the 
viscosity or surface tension of mucous. In addition, I wonder if taking a 
cold tablet to temporarily dry up the mucous would allow the CS to reach the 
infection. Roger 

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