----- Original Message -----
From: <rogalt...@aol.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 11:33 PM
Subject: CS>On "Acceptable" CS Topics

> In a message dated 3/22/01 11:37:12 PM EST, w...@earthlink.net writes:
> << Subj:     Re: CS>The List Owner speaketh:
>  Date:  3/22/01 11:37:12 PM EST
>  From:  w...@earthlink.net (Erwin Hanke)
>  Reply-to:  w...@earthlink.net
>  To:    silver-list@eskimo.com
>  ?Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You find it boooring. I find it
>  fascinating. You find cats,
>  dogs, babies, or what have you fascinating, I find them boooring.
>  Fortunately, we both have
>  Delete keys. Hopefully, we will continue to use them when each of us
>  finds it appropriate.
>  Personally, I would hate to see them go off list because it is CS and in
>  spite of their snipping at
>  each other, there is experimenting going on (I think) and hopefully, we
>  will all be better off in the
>  end.
>  Erwin
>   >>
> Erwin: While I'm thankful that at least a couple of people on this list
> understand that scientific discussions/experimention often has practical
> benefits, that was definitely NOT the point of my earlier comments. My
> was that attempts to limit CS discussion on this list, when the list owner
> has always maintained a 100% open policy for ANY type of CS dialogue is
> reprehensible. Frankly, I'm surprised that my objection and that of
> have been the only ones heard. The freedom to speak ones mind is perhaps
> most important of all the liberties that an open society enjoys. The fact
> that almost no one on this list has protested at the suggestion to limit
> discussion to "acceptable" CS topics, speaks volumes about how much our
> values have deteriorated. And if there are any Libertarians reading this
> message, I'm still waiting to here why you are not outraged at this
> suggestion. If anyone is moved to respond, please contact me off list, so
> that we don't impinge on the rights of list participants who want to
> CS topics exclusively; ALL CS TOPICS. Roger
> --
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