> BTW what happens in all those rural parts of the world or are
> irrelevant?

Personally, I perceive a "govt" to agenda to march people out of the
country--and self-sufficient lifestyles--and into population centers
where they can be more easily controlled.  Methods of effecting this
relocation are economic (witness the orchestrated wipe out/buyout of
family farms) and increasingly enforced by "police", which are fast
becoming unequivocally military.  For a topic-related example of
increasingly brazen invasion of peaceable Americans by S.W.A.T. thugs
("just following orders"), see the attached email from
or Dr. & Linda Faillace's website,  http://www.saveoursheep.org/.  


> Would you elaborate on who is Malachi Z.York and who removed 
> the
> barithary gland. Sounds very fascinating.

SORRY--My last post was supposed to have gone directly to the previous

I have no specific knowledge of York's doctrine or credentials.  Several
years ago I happened upon a book store operated by black U of Ala.
students, and stocked exclusively with his books & pamphlets.
> Regards
> Harsha Godavari

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