Ivan: I've incorporated you response to my initial proposal that attempts to 
describe which electrochemical reactions occur on the anode and cathode.

Potential Anodic Reactions

(1) Ag -------> [Ag+] + 1e                      -0.80 volts (+ over voltage) 
(2) 4[OH-] ---------> O2(g) + 2H2O + 4e  -0.40 volts (+ over voltage) (ROGER)

Potential Cathodic Reactions

(3) 2H2O + 2e -----> H2(g) + 2[OH-]  + 0.41 + 0.40 = 0.81 (WE AGREE)
(4) [Ag+]  +  1e  ------------>  Ag(s)     +0.80 (+ over voltage) (WE AGREE)

Ivan: Assuming that the over voltage for reaction (2) is such that its total 
voltage is near 0.8, and taking into account that OH- is produced by reaction 
(3) which will make it available as a reactant in reaction (2), why then 
would it not be a candidate to compete with reaction (1)? If a high over 
voltage is the reason why it cannot compete, how much is the over voltage? 
BTW, by incorporating reaction (2) as a competing anodic reaction, the 
resulting consumption of OH- could explain pH values below 7 for LVDC CS 
processes. Have you been able to find the over voltage for the anodic and 
cathodic silver reactions? Roger    


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