Roger wrote:

> List: Some of you might recall that I proposed a mechanism that would allow 
> impure silver to dissolve in DW, and that Frank Key graciously volunteered to 
> analyze these samples for silver by AA if I ran the tests. Well, I'm running 
> the tests, and the first results are in. Here are the conductivity values 
> after 90.5 hours since placing various silver alloys in a 1 oz. closed & 
> sealed plastic container.
> %silver: [DW (control) = 2.5ms]      99.99     99.9     92.5     75     70    
>  65     56
> conductivity (in micro siemens/cm)   2.5        2.5       2.4     2.6    3.6  
>   4.8    3.2
> The results seem to be coming in as predicted -- more or less.

I hope you included a "blank" water sample. One that was drawn from the same 
water supply as the water used in the test cases, but without any silver 
immersed in it. This would serve as the baseline for measurements and would be 
used to detect any pre-contamination of silver ions in the water supply.

frank key

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