surf this link
If U want more holler wrote:

> To All~
>     A 7th grade boy at my daughter's school has bone cancer.  We don't know
> him, and his family probably isn't into alternative healing methods.  But she
> was going to make a card for him and include a few website addresses just in
> case they could get the family interested and it could possibly help him.  I
> have tons filed on cancer but the only site I have that might be appropriate
> is  <A HREF="";>Electro Medicine Resources
> Main Page</A> about Dr. Robert Beck.  Does anyone have any other sites to
> suggest, that wouldn't upset someone that most likely believes in traditional
> medicine, that might be helpful?  There must be a good one about Hulda Clark
> or perhaps I should just send the Amazon report on her book.  Any suggestions
> would be appreciated.
>     Thanks in advance for your help.
> Karen G.
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