And where would you get retroviruses from ? - Why the nice little
vaccinations you had as a child - isn't that lovely!  Something to
really look forward to!
  ----- Original Message -----
  Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 3:38 PM
  Subject: CS>Mental illness and virus

  Just got this tonight from John Hopkins Medical Center
  (, in their daily email subscription, dealing
with the
  same subject.  suzy

  Retroviruses Implicated In The Pathogenesis Of Schizophrenia

  WESTPORT (Reuters Health) - Retroviruses may play a role in the
  development of schizophrenia in some individuals, scientists from
  the US and Germany report in the April 10th issue of Proceedings
  of the National Academy of Sciences.

    Here's some more on the subject.
    Problem is, if it is caused by a virus like herpes simplex and
sets up shop
    in the nerve cells, then cs alone cannot completely kill it.
