Dear Stuart.  Thank you.  Will send credit card info when you are ready.  
Thanks again.  suzy 
> Hi Marshall, friends and listers'
> Marshall wrote:
> > Anyone know what happened to Stuart?  I am ready to ship the rods once I
> >can find out what they final cost on them was.
> >
> > Marshall
> ST: What happened to Stuart is that I lay low during the Kak worm invasion,
> and have also been busy preparing documents for my website and more recently
> over the past few weeks, developing my website, which is now up at
> <>. Please take a look and if you feel inclined, sign
> my guestbook. There are a couple of pics in a gallery under the mission
> statement in case anyone wishes see my setting here in the south of Africa.
> The basic research section is up, and will be developed further on a
> continuous basis, especially in terms of colloidal ionic silver, trace
> elements and hydrogen peroxide. I see a little debate on the efficacy of
> homoeopathy. That there is no efficacy, is documented under homoeopathy in
> the projects/research section.
> ST: Marshall, here is the info you requested, directly off the archives:
> From: Marshall Dudley (view other messages by this author)
> Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 07:37:14
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> OK, this is the final order:
> Pairs of 5 cm rods ($3.50 plus shipping):
> 2    russ rosser
> 1    CKing001
> 1    Marshall Dudley
> 1    elaine davis
> 2    hanan
> 1    tai-pan
> 1    Robert Berger
> 1    John Kolb
> 1    Colin Quinney
> 1    Arnold Beland
> 1    Tom snapper
> 1    G Allen
> 1    Bill Van Stockum
> 1    Mary Montalvo
> 1    Kathie Bartholomew
> 3    Suzy (
> 1    George martin
> 1    Grant McKenzie
> 2
> 24 short rods
> Pairs of 10 cm rods ($7.00 plus shipping):
> 1    Marshall Dudley
> 1    Trem
> 2    Jason Pociask
> 2   Dean Miller
> 1    Ron Hackley
> 7 total of the long rods
> .................................
> ST: Marshall,
> That makes 38 rods at $3.50 which equals $133 + $11.15 + $144.15
> Calculated at $145.00 (incl envelope), divided by 38 = $3.81 per short pair
> (simply double for long pair) + your shipping and associated expenses.
> I will get back to you shortly as to how to utilise the $ for me,
> ...probably a few electronic journal subscriptions.
> Those with orders, remember you are getting two for the cost of one, so
> please honour voluntary Marshall's efforts with prompt settlement.
> For those who have asked for a synopsis as to the value of these biometals
> in human health, I shall repost abstracts posted several months ago, in two
> parts.
> Thanks Marshall.
> Regards,
> Stuart