Greetings, Beverle ( thanks for your thoughts! ):

Dr. Jon has no such excuse.  Over the last few years, I have emailed him
personally on several occasions.  First, when he was claiming there was no
benefit in colloidal silver use.  THEN, when he discovered this mysterious
magical process.  I pointed him in excellent directions.

I respect Dr. Jon for actually doing the research, and drawing true
conclusions.  That, in my opinion, is the mark of a good researcher -
despite pre-conceived ideas, demonstration of fact through experimentation
resulted in a change of perception.

However, I still consider Dr. Jon's editorials to be poor journalism.  Does
Dr. Jon pause and wonder on the ramifications of his actions?  Evidently
not.  Apparently, he enjoys writing  these up and down swing editorials.  In
fact, it's the oldest method in the world for pop journalism.

If Dr. Jon really wanted to do his audience justice, he'd take the time to
fully research an item - by listening carefully to those with years or
decades of experience - before writing his articles.

Personally, I didn't have much to say at all about colloidal silver during
1.5 years of experience off-list, until I felt that my grasp on the subject
matter warranted it.  And I recieved this "grasp" by listening carefully to
those whom so graciously have been willing to take the time to share it!

Caring takes time - isn't that one of its hallmarks?

For the newcomers, one never has to be intimidated about asking questions!

As far as step by step instructions to make a current limited device, I plan
on beginning filming in mid-june.

The format will be similiar to the basic generator tutorial that can be
found here ( the 9 volt battery method ):

----- Original Message -----
From: Beverle Sweitzer <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 4:42 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Fw: Dr. Jon's Colloidal Silver and Blind Pigs 5-8-01

> I, as a total novice, need to step in here.  I was thrilled when I got the
> email yesterday about Dr. Jon's "discovery".  I haven't had time to read
> archives - and who knows where to look for what you don't know?
> information is also appreciated.  This is a very "deep" list and many are
> put off by the technical information.  Not having a background leaves one
> with no place to begin.  I realize that I am kind of rambling, but it made
> me feel even more stupid because I had been so excited with the step by
> instructions.  One time an old gardener said to me that he had forgotten
> more than I would ever learn.  I thought he was being arrogant but I now
> know what he meant.  Many of you know so very much that you have forgotten
> what it was like to be ignorant.  It doesn't matter to me whether Jon
> invented or discovered it.   I like the idea of being able to build a unit
> that will make more than 6 oz. at a time.  You can all be very proud of
> extensive knowledge, but please remember that there are many out here that
> do not possess it and may never be able to catch up.
> --
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