That's about the most simple and effecient Rosemary rebuttal I've seen,

Rosemary is a victim of her own ignorance and anger.  In my opinion, neither
is excusable.  However, she certainly has a right to her opinion.

There are no cases of Argyria that I have found that can be attributed to
colloidal silver as it is made today.  Silver Nitrate, indeed, is the most
likely cause of Rosemary's predicament.

----- Original Message -----
From: Marshall Dudley <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: CS>elderly client

> Basically because Rosemary was not taking CS but was taking a silver
> compound, probably silver nitrate.  CS does not cause argyria, silver
> nitrate does.
> It makes about as much sense a someone claiming that the air or carbon
> are poisonous because cyanide is carbon and nitrogen.
> Marshall
> D&WMcPhail wrote:
> >  Hello - I'm Wendy and am new to this list.  We have been using CS for
> > a few years now and it has changed our lives. What I would like to
> > know or ask here is about the Website on Rosemary Jacobs - the woman
> > who claims to have argryria from colloidal silver. Just with common
> > sense, in thinking it through - it doesn't make sense to me - with so
> > many who have used colloidal silver in the last 100 years - and I'm
> > sure the particles were not THAT small back then.... ??? Why do we not
> > hear of a lot of other cases besides Rosemary's???  And of course,
> > whenever you speak of colloidal silver on a elist - or whatever -
> > there is ALWAYS the conscientious objector (to CS) using Rosemary
> > Jacobs' picture and story there (!). would appreciate any further
> > info. Nice to meet you allwendy
> >
> >      -----Original Message-----
> >      From: <>
> >      To: <>
> >      Date: Friday, May 11, 2001 4:50 AM
> >      Subject: Re: CS>elderly client
> >       Brooks, THANK YOU for posting this.  It is fascinating, and
> >      yet so simple.
> >      Will be following every word on this, to understand just how
> >      it is done.  We
> >      have several cases of the flesh eating bacteria in our area,
> >      and it never
> >      hurts to be prepared.  In addition to CS, this might make a
> >      difference.  suzy
> >
> >
> >
> >     >
> >     >                            Dear Gage,
> >     >        Almost without exception, cases of this type (most
> >     > especially in
> >     > the elderly) involve some form of veinous stasis or
> >     > similar
> >     > circulatory insufficiency.  We conducted some rather
> >     > extensive evaluations
> >     > of lower extremity circulation
> >     > experimentations/evaluations during
> >     > 1999-2000.......almost exclusively on geriatric group
> >     > volunteers.  In the
> >     > most serious challenges, multiple protocols were
> >     > required----especially
> >     > hyperbaric-type environmental modifications.  One, very
> >     > simple, technique
> >     > involved the utilization of  clear plastic "garbage
> >     > bags".  The entire
> >     > lower leg....up to the knee....was encased in the bag and
> >     > suitable taping
> >     > or pressure was applied to the top edges to maintain a
> >     > very low---or
> >     > NO---pressure loss.  Using a small plastic tube, 02 was
> >     > used to inflate the
> >     > bag to its full capacity (high pressures WERE  NOT
> >     > required for acceptable
> >     > results).  We found that 20 to 30 minute applications,
> >     > executed
> >     > approximately every 4 hours during the day period were (in
> >     > a majority of
> >     > cases)  sufficient to MAKE THE DIFFERENCE between complete
> >     >
> >     > remission.....and "control".
> >     >                This modality proved to be very economical,
> >     > simple, and is
> >     > certainly within the reach of even the most "financially
> >     > stressed"
> >     > experimenter.
> >     >                For a more complete explanation of the
> >     > "exactly" how we
> >     > conducted these me "off-list".
> >     >                                I must go now.
> >     > Sincerely,  Brooks
> >     > Bradley.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
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