Greetings all...

I went ahead and downloaded the patch itself, as well as two small dos based
programs that "repair the damage" - two programs, because there are
currently two versions of the worm.

To download all three files, simply click here:

This will open a directory, where you can choose
1) to download all three files in zip format ( kakpatch&
2) to download only the patch (Outlook_Express_Q240308i.exe)
3) either of the fix files ( or both ).

To use the Outlook express patch, simply download the file and double click
on it.

To use the fix files, download and double click on the file, then select
"remove" from the popup dialog box that appears.  It will tell you that
either the "damage" was repaired or your computer was not found to be
currently infected.

----- Original Message -----
From: M. G. Devour <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 9:05 AM
Subject: CS>About the kak worm problem...

> Hi all,
> Please don't despair. I'm actively working on adding a filter to the
> list software which should "break" the kakworm and similar embedded
> script based e-pathogens.
> Since I can see no legitimate reason for anyone to be sending an
> embedded script of any kind, I'm just going to try to strip them out of
> the messages altogether. I figure everything between <script> and
> </script> can just *go*.
> Inevitably, I expect that any tampering I do to the HTML code of the
> messages may break something for some people who are trying to read
> them, so I ask you all to bear with me during the debugging process.
> Anyone with unix, procmail, sed, or smartlist experience is welcome to
> step forward and lend a hand!!!! <he says, hopefully!>
> The ideal would be to strip *all* HTML out of the messages and just
> post the text, but that seems to be a rather large software project,
> requiring all sorts of detailed understanding of the present state of
> web standards *and* the proprietary violations^H^H^H extensions of
> those standards by certain companies whose initials are MS...
> In the meantime, if anyone can re-post instructions for filling the
> gaping security holes in Outlook Express that would be a *great* help.
> Be well,
> Mike Devour
> silver-list owner
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [                        ]
> [Speaking only for myself...               ]
> --
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