Is microcalcification the same as fibrocystic disease?  If so, caffeine is the culprit, and the cysts/lumps will go away upon the removal of all forms of caffeine from the diet (including chocolate and certain medications containing caffeine). 

>From: ""
>Reply-To: ""
>Subject: CS>Fw: Breast Cancer- Microcalcalcifications.
>Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 12:57:34 -0700
> Dear list,
> Has anyone had any experience with Microcalcifications in the breast? My
>friend has been diagnosed with these and the doctors are recommending a
> My understanding is these are tiny specks of calcium in the breast, usually
>found in areas of rapidly dividing cells. Certain "clustering" patterns may
>indicate a small cancer.
> The doctors (two opinions) suggest biopsy and follow up chemo if results
>show cancerous growth. They have no idea as to what may cause this type
>of cancer and we have not found anything on the internet that suggests why
>these may be forming.
>I don't know that CS would be a long term answer to control/stop these
>Thanks, Dee
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