
Treating a non-healing wound in a diabetic patient is not easy.  Spraying
colloidal silver on it is not usually going to do the trick.  Remember, the
primary issue we are dealing with is lack of oxygen to the wound site.  The
colloidal silver might be reducing the bacterial count on the surface
temporarily.  Once the silver is "deactivated", the infection simply

There are a number of ways to approach such an infection.  Most of them take
a good deal of work to implement.

One idea is to drink a large amount of colloidal silver several times daily.
I say idea because the effectiveness of this method is in question.  If
enough silver can be delivered via the blood to the site, this will have an
impact on the infection.  More importantly, it will help reduce the chance
that the infection enters the bloodstream.

Brooks also recently posted a method to simulate a hyperbaric treatment by
pressurizing a bag sealed over the appendage in question.  This treatment
forces oxygen into the tissues.

To use silver externally to assist in the infection two things must be
accomplished.  1)  The silver must reach the "seat" of the infection and 2)
the silver must maintain contact with the tissues long enough to continue to
reduce the bacterial count.

The wound type is important here.  Is it an open gaping wound?  What is the
diamater of the exposed tissue?  How deep is the wound?

Spraying the colloidal silver on the wound, or even soaking a dressing and
applying it to the wound would be largely ineffective if the wound is deep.

While it is encouraging that your friend's MD recognizes the benefit of
silver as an infection fighting agent, Silvadine ( Silver Sulfadiazine ) is
primarily used to prevent infections on exposed tissue, such as a severe
burn or a skin graft donor site.  The cream is also unlikely to reach the
root of a deep infection.

If the infection has become septic,
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 5:19 PM
Subject: CS not working on a leg infection

> Hello List,
> A friend with diabetes has a serious leg infection.  I gave him 5 PPM CS,
in a spray bottle, that has some MSM in it.  I gave it to him two weeks ago.
I am told he is regularly spraying it on his wound, but it is not healing.
Any suggestions?
> He has been referred to an infectious disease specialist but his
appointment isn't until July.  A lot of bad things could happen in that
> Oh, a new primary doctor prescribed "Silver Sulfadiazine" creme.  Know
anything about it?
> Thanks,
> Steve Radcliff
> --
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