In a message dated 6/29/01 4:44:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> And no matter what the
> promoters of colloidal silver tell you, the human body doesn't need
> silver. Safety is an issue, too. If taken orally, it can accumulate in
> the body's tissues and cause a disfiguring skin condition called
> argyria. Skin pigmentation, especially around the nose and mouth, turns
> bluish, permanently. Those affected have been described as looking like
> corpses suddenly come to life. Medical literature also contains reports
> of neurological problems that developed in long-term users of oral
> silver products.

I've looked through DrWeil's books,  I thought he was alternative and toots 
that on his web site but he seems to travel the safe line with his 
recommendations. It looks like he read that info on CS right from a book 
somewhere without researching.  His thoughts on vacc come from a committee of 
Drs who hes says "were not funded by the vacc companies..".    Oh sure...and 
I have some land for sale in FL.

Terri L.