Tisk, Tisk,

Now I will have to have second thoughts about everything the good doctor has
written about shrooms.

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: larry tankersley [mailto:la...@webtv.net]
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 5:27 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>BUM DOPE?

 I use to think Dr weil was a good source for FACTS.that was until I
checked  his site about subjects I KNOW about [CS is not one of them]. I
know think he should perhaps head back to South America and do some more
mind altering drugs.... or check what his researchers are reporting. SEE
BELOW ...maybe you will see where I'm coming from. So far I haven't seen
any of these claims made,but perhaps the MLM  were and I just haven't
run into. Seems I remember Quack watch trashing him,so I guess he
couldn't be all bad. ; )
Colloidal Silver: Better than Antibiotics?  My son was recently
hospitalized for an infected hip joint. He then
developed a blood clot in a femoral vein. The first antibiotic he was
given didn't work. Since this was his very first antibiotic, I expected
better results. What about "natural colloidal silver"? -- Francelle

(Published 11/11/99) An infected hip joint is a serious condition, and
antibiotics, given for a long period of time -- and if necessary,
surgical drainage -- are the best treatment. I certainly wouldn't
recommend going off the antibiotics in a case like this. As far as
colloidal silver is concerned, I can't see how it would help. In fact,
it could be harmful.
The term "colloidal" means the minerals are of a certain size,
facilitating use by the body. The promoters of colloidal silver make
some fantastic claims: They say their products extend life, protect you
from cancer, and cure just about anything. They'll tell you that mineral
deficiencies lead to a weakened immune system and cancer. All of this is
nonsense. Colloidal silver supplements are also heavily advertised as
powerful antimicrobials and immune system stimulants, capable of curing
up to 650 different diseases. Again, none of these claims have been
At one time, silver products were useful as germicidals, but they've
been replaced gradually by more effective ones. And no matter what the
promoters of colloidal silver tell you, the human body doesn't need
silver. Safety is an issue, too. If taken orally, it can accumulate in
the body's tissues and cause a disfiguring skin condition called
argyria. Skin pigmentation, especially around the nose and mouth, turns
bluish, permanently. Those affected have been described as looking like
corpses suddenly come to life. Medical literature also contains reports
of neurological problems that developed in long-term users of oral
silver products.
My advice is to stick with the antibiotic treatment your son is
receiving. And what you might do -- what's better than using colloidal
silver -- is investigate electromagnetic stimulation for bone healing, a
treatment that is backed by scientific evidence.
Dr. Andrew Weil

larry tankersley; Gainesville,Florida USA

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  • CS>BUM DOPE? larry tankersley
    • RE: CS>BUM DOPE? James Osbourne, Holmes