In a message dated 7/1/01 11:17:12 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj:     Re: CS>Angyia
 Date:  7/1/01 11:17:12 AM EST
 From: (Nina Silver, Ph.D.)
 ----- Original Message -----
 From: Ode Coyote <>
 To: <>
 Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 12:16 PM
 Subject: Re: CS>Angyia
 > And even then, turning blue [argyria] is very rare.
 >  Something like one case in a thousand over threshold exposure.
 >  Ken
 I write as someone who makes her own CS and is very committed to taking it,
 recognizing its benefits.
 Several years ago one of my dogs' paws became infected. I took a very long
 cleaned glass Sorrell Ridge jelly jar and filled it with warm water, Epsom
 salt (to draw out the pus and other impurities), about 3 ounces of colloidal
 silver, and about 1 ounce of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide. I am giving
 you approximate measurements. I soaked her paw 2 to 3 times a day for about
 15 to 20 minutes at a time.
 The infection cleared up nicely after about 3 days. However, I DID notice
 that beneath her fur, the skin had turned grey. I simply noted it. After
 about a month the grey color disappeared and returned to normal.
 I know that many people in the medical-pharmaceutical industries cite the
 grey color presumably caused by CS as "proof" that CS is harmful, not
 distinguishing the genuine silver colloid from compound silver--as in silver
 salts or silver proteins--that CAN cause the skin to turn grey. However, I
 know what I saw with my dog. The CS I make is pure colloid; and except one
 time when the electrodes were too close to the sides of the container which
 yielded flakes at the bottom of the glass container, I never had any
 problems with either the purity of the solution or the beneficial effects.
 Is it possible that the Epsom salt and/or hydrogen peroxide reacted with the
 silver? (If, however, they DID react and the silver changed into silver
 compound, I would think that my dog's paw wouldn't have healed as quickly as
 it did.) Would anyone know the reason for the TEMPORARY change in the color
 of my dog's skin?
 Thanks for your brainstorming here.
 Nina Silver, Ph.D.
 dedicated to world healing and social change
 visit my website

Dear Nina:

Let's take what you did one step at a time. First, you used "about 3 ounces 
of colloidal ... 2 to 3 times a day [and the] ... infection cleared up nicely 
after about 3 days". Let's say your CS prep was 15 PPM, at the most. Assuming 
the all the silver was transferred into your dogs skin during this 3 day 
period (a virtual impossibility, but let's work with the extreme case), the 
total amount of silver absorbed by the skin tissue would have been [15mg/L x 
100ml x 3 x 3 = 13.5 mg] 13.5 mg at THE MOST. In all likelihood it was 
probably a small percentage of this amount, probably less than 1 mg. But 
let's stay with the 13.5 mg. figure. From the reports I have read, Argyria is 
caused by long term and repeated use of silver salts that result from the 
exposure to more than 1000 mgs. of silver, far from the level of your dogs 

How then can we explain the gray skin color? It's possible that the 
relatively impure CS that you produced had enough large silver particles to 
coat your dog's skin after the CS dried out. BTW, its disappearance after 
only a few days would be consistent with a "silver dust" that may have been 
on the skin surface, not unlike the "dust" found on your kitchen counter when 
your spill some of your CS brew and it's allowed to dry overnight. Roger

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