In a message dated 7/3/01 6:54:48 PM EST, writes:

<< Subj:     Re: CS>Gatorade- CS test.
 Date:  7/3/01 6:54:48 PM EST
 From: (kukurippa _)
 Hi I'm new to the list.  My name is Eleanor and I live in Quebec.  I'm only 
 now just learning about CS, in fact I found this list through another list 
 that is for cats (I feed mine raw).
 I'm interested in learning more about CS.  I'd also like to know if there is 
 anyone on the list who lives in my area that is making their own CS and 
 would be willing to sell some at a reasonable cost.  I'm thinking of using 
 CS in preparing my cat's food (which calls for some water) and I want to use 
 some for myself (many health problems).
 I'll try to dig up the information on the Gatorade-CS test in the archive.  
 I'm curious to know what it's all about.
 Looking forward to gaining information.

Eleanor: Most of us on this list would strongly recommend that you learn how 
to make your own CS. There are many ways to do it. The archives have many 
posts on this subject, and there is probably no best way to do it. As far as 
the CS/Gatorade tests are concerned, allow me to provide you with a little 
background (see below). Roger

CS/Gaterade Testers: Bob is ready to receive orders. In addition, I have 
outlined test guidelines below. PLEASE READ THEM COMPLETELY. If any of you 
cannot participate personally, please consider becoming a sponsor so that 
others who are on a tight budget can become part of our study. We have one 
person as a sponsor already. BTW, if any of you has a rich uncle/aunt 
somewhere, consider asking him/her to become a sponsor as well. The more 
people who participate, the more reliable our results. Roger

Send $15 and your shipping address to: Bob Berger, System Tech Engineering, 
12303 E. 89th Street, Kansas City, MO 64138-5150. You will receive two liters 
of test solution that you will need to dilute. As soon as I get the exact 
analysis, Bob or I will tell you the proportion of DW and test solution to 
use to make the correct dilution.

Anyone who is suffering from a serious illness should not participate in this 
study, rather he/she should seek medical assistance as soon as possible. 
Remember, the money you are paying is to participate in this TEST. You are 
NOT paying to receive CS. As a matter of fact, half of you will not receive 
CS at all. By structuring our test this way, I will be able to take into 
account any placebo effect that may be factored into your performance 

Please don't discuss your test details, or personal conclusions with anyone. 
Otherwise, you and/or others could be influenced by such discussions. Feel 
free to use the test solution on as many people or ailments as you wish, but 
keep in mind that you will have to maintain a journal for EACH of them, and 
your test solution may run out before you can reach any conclusions. However, 
you can order or reorder as much test solution as you think you'll need in 
two liter batches @ $15/batch. 

As far as keeping a journal is concerned, feel free to do it anyway you like 
in order to answer the following survey questionnaire for EACH PERSON AND/OR 
AILMENT treated:


For each type of ailment or person treated, please
 provide SEPARATE answers to the following questions 

(1) What type of ailment did you treat? 
(2) Gender and age of person treated. 
(3) Which one of the two types of CS [CS by itself or (1 part CS + 2 parts 
Gatorade)] worked better than your home made CS for this ailment or person?
(4) Did the CS + Gatorade work better that the CS by itself for this ailment 
or person?  

There is no exact answer as to WHEN you should send me your completed 
questionnaire. The more time you have to examine the test solution 
performance, the more certain you will be of your conclusions, but keep in 
mind that during the test you may not be using an effective CS prep to treat 
an ailment. If I had to guess at an answer, I would say that your journal 
should have 3-6 months of entries before you should try to draw any 
conclusions, but that's just a guess. Every situation is different. However, 
there is nothing wrong with sending me your PRELIMINARY conclusions if you're 
so inclined.

Well, that's about it. If you see some glaring omission or error, feel free 
to let me know.


Date:   10/24/00 11:29:55 PM EST

                            To all interested List Members.
                        Some years ago, we found a very useful alternative to 
utilization of CS in human volunteers.  By diluting 2 ounces of 5 to 10 ppm CS
with approximately 4 ounces of water and mixing the proper amount of powdered
gatorade (or any balanced fluid electrolyte) you will have a solutilon that 
will be absorbed, approximately, 10 times as fast as ordinary tap water.
                    There are ancillary components which could be added, in
extreme cases, but this simple protocol will give absorption/transport speeds
nearing IV infusions administered in extremity veins.
                    Canulating veins and arteries is not as danger-free as one first blush....imagine.  Amateurish efforts have resulted in many
unfortunate results----not the least of which are air embolisms.
                      Please do not regard these remarks as pedantic.....I am
just concerned over someone attempting something (IV protocols) which may 
involve serious consequences to their health.
                        Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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