
Vitamin D supplements may well help with Lupus as it does with MS and
Chron's disease.


An abundance of scientific evidence indicates that vitamin D deficiency is
associated with MS onset and progression. Such evidence includes
epidemiology which demonstrates that high prevalence rates of MS closely
track areas of low intake of vitamin D. Animal experiments reveal that
vitamin D hormone can suppress a variety of animal autoimmune diseases
including EAE, the animal equivalent of MS. Furthermore, associated
immunological studies have shown that vitamin D hormone has a number of
immunomodulating functions, all of which contribute to the suppression of
inflammatory autoimmune reactions. Small clinical trials have suggested that
vitamin D has some efficacy in slowing autoimmune disease progression
although no properly controlled trials have been conducted.

Vitamin D can be readily attained from exposure to sunlight and studies have
shown that the optimal intake of vitamin D is about 4000- 6000 IU a day.
This results in a circulation concentration of 25(OH)D ( a vitamin D
metabolite) of 100-125 nmol/litre and this level seems to be required for
the proper functioning of all vitamin D-dependent systems. In colder, low
sunlight areas such an intake from the sun is impossible for most of the
year and it is important to use supplements to makeup the shortfall in
vitamin D supply. Currently suggested supplement levels of 200-400 IU are
much too low. A daily supplement of 4000 IU of vitamin D3 seems warranted
for people who do not get a lot of exposure to sunlight throughout the year.
This amount is well below the no observed adverse effect level which is
conservatively placed at 10000 IU/day and thus such supplementation is safe
for anyone who is not hypersensitive to vitamin D.

Throughout most of the two million years of human development, humans had a
relatively high intake of vitamin D (~5000-10,000 IU/day) from the sun.
Major environmental changes brought on by the agricultural, industrial and
technological revolutions have resulted in large populations in northern
climates experiencing a subclinical and chronic vitamin D deficiency and
this deficiency is more pronounced in persons with MS. Vitamin D deficiency
is just one of a number of nutrient-related factors which play a role in MS.
Notably the dietary regimens which contain the most pro-inflammatory food
types (e.g. gluten, dairy, saturated fat) and the least anti-inflammatory
nutrients ( vitamin D, omega 3 fats) occur in areas in which MS and other
autoimmune diseases are most common. To combat MS, a person must change
their lifestyle with diet revision being perhaps the most useful
modification. As part of this change, it is important to ensure that
sufficient vitamin D (4000 IU/day) is acquired through sun exposure and

**Full article and references to be found at:

Vitamin D and the Risk of Developing Multiple Sclerosis for British and
Irish Migrants to Australia
Ashton F. Embry, Ph.D., Reinhold Vieth, Ph.D. and Colleen Hayes, Ph.D.
Hammond et al. (2000) recently documented that British and Irish immigrants
to Queensland, Australia, situated at latitude 120-280, had a striking 75%
reduction in their risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS) when compared
with that of their native countrymen. Importantly, this reduction affected
both adult and child immigrants. Furthermore, using migration data from the
other Australian provinces, they elegantly demonstrated that the reduction
in MS risk for the relatively genetically homogeneous British and Irish
immigrants progressively lessened with increasing latitude, finally reaching
zero risk reduction in the Hobart area of Tasmania, the highest latitude
area (420) of Australia. These results, which overcome weaknesses in
previous migration study designs (Gale and Martyn 1995), provide the
strongest evidence to date that an environmental factor, which protects both
adults and children against the development of MS, is abundant in Queensland
at latitude 120-280, but lacking in Tasmania at latitude 420

**Full article at:

Drug interactions and vitamin D, should any one be interested:

Vitamin D Deficiency and Bowel Diseases Connected

April 18, 2000

San Diego, Calif. --- Research with mice at Penn State has demonstrated a
connection between vitamin D deficiency and two bowel diseases that occur in
one out of every 1,000 people in North America and Europe.

Dr. Margherita T. Cantorna, assistant professor of nutrition and director of
the research project, says "Our experiments show that vitamin D deficiency
worsens the symptoms of Chron’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Treatment
with Vitamin D for as little as two weeks lessens the symptoms of these
inflammatory bowel diseases in mice."

**Full article:

**An interesting piece:

**And finally a rather long article which details vitamin D effects on
bones. (I would have posted the link but it is a MedLine retrieval)

Dietary and Nutritional Influences on Skeletal Health – A Review of Current
Knowledge and Future Perspectives
Susan A. New, PhD

The role of dietary intake and nutritional status on skeletal health, in the
earlier and later years of the life cycle, remains to be fully quantified.
As a "modifiable" lifestyle factor, influencing both peak bone mass
development in the younger population and the rate of bone loss in older age
groups, it is an area of considerable public health concern.[1] A number of
key papers were presented at the 22nd Annual General Meeting of the American
Society for Bone and Mineral Research held in Toronto, Canada (September
22-26, 2000), on nutrition and bone health.

Evidence of Vitamin D "Insufficiency" Among Population Groups: Consequences
for Bone Health
Vitamin D is derived from 2 sources, namely endogenous (skin) and exogenous
(diet), with the major source being the exposure of skin to the ultraviolet
B-rays contained in sunlight.[2] The action of sunlight on the skin converts
7-dehydrocholesterol to previtamin D, which is then metabolized to vitamin D
by a temperature-dependent isomerization. The vitamin D is transported, via
the general circulation, to the liver, where the enzyme 25-hydroxylase
converts it to 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-[OH]D). Further conversion to 1,25
(OH)2D3 occurs in the kidney. 25-OHD is the main circulating vitamin D
metabolite and is the best indicator of clinical status, whereas 1,25 OH2D3
is the active form of the vitamin, which is involved in calcium
The amount and strength of ultraviolet light is known to vary with both
latitude and season; thus, differences have been reported to be lower in the
winter and to vary with different geographic areas worldwide. However, the
variation, globally, of vitamin D status and the clinical diagnosis of
vitamin D deficiency remains unclarified because of the large
interlaboratory differences in assays for serum 25-(OH)D.

Of considerable interest in the area of vitamin D research were the findings
of a global study of vitamin D status and parathyroid function in
postmenopausal women with osteoporosis presented by Lips and colleagues,[4]
on behalf of the MORE [Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation] Study
Group. Data were collected from the international MORE trial, a large
prospective clinical intervention trial. Baseline data on serum 25-(OH)D and
serum parathyroid hormone (PTH), obtained from 7564 postmenopausal women,
were analyzed. These women were from 25 countries spanning 5 continents.
Serum 25-(OH)D was found to be lower than 25nmol/L (the lower level of the
normal range) in 4.1% of all women in the MORE study (with 8.3% of women
coming from Southern Europe). Bone mineral density (BMD) was found to be 4%
lower in women with serum 25(OH)D below 25nmol/L. The results also suggested
that women with low vitamin D levels (< 25 nmol/L) had 30% higher serum PTH
values and higher levels of alkaline phosphatase (a marker of bone

Vitamin D status is affected by the aging process, and there is now evidence
in the literature to show that vitamin D levels: (1) fall with age,[5] (2)
have a seasonal variation (being lowest in the fall/winter),[6] and (3); are
inversely related to PTH[7] (which is also known to have a seasonal
variation).[8] Menopausal bone loss has been shown to be partially regulated
by dietary intake of vitamin D.[9] The elderly population is of considerable
concern with respect to the nutritional status of vitamin D, and there is
now good data to suggest that this is a group who is at considerable risk of
vitamin D "insufficiency/deficiency."[10]

Despite several key published studies which show convincingly that vitamin D
supplementation (with calcium) reduces fracture rates in
institutionalized[11] and free-living elderly populations[12] and improves
calcium absorption, lowers PTH levels, and reduces wintertime bone loss in
postmenopausal women,[13] there is still a considerable lack of awareness of
this public health nutrition message. In an interesting paper presented by
Grados and colleagues,[14] supplementation with 500 mg of calcium and 400 IU
of vitamin D3, twice a day for 12 months in a group of 95 elderly women with
vitamin D insufficiency (mean age, 74.2 years +/- 6.4 years) resulted in (1)
significant increases in BMD at the femoral neck, femoral trochanter, and
whole body sites and (2) significant alterations in bone remodeling.

Krall and colleagues[15] presented data from a study examining the use of
calcium and vitamin D supplements on oral health in elderly women. There is
evidence to suggest that oral bone loss and tooth loss are associated with
bone loss at non-oral sites, but few studies have analyzed the effect of
these nutrients in reducing tooth loss. Supplement use was significantly
associated with a decrease in tooth loss risk in 145 subjects (62 men and 83
women) aged 65 years and older. This study has important implications for
the health of the aging population because improvements in tooth retention
will assist in reducing the risk of malnutrition in the elderly. This is a
particularly pertinent point because it is well established that
malnutrition is a characteristic of hip (and vertebral) fracture

The effective level of UV energy decreases north to south because of the
reduced zenith angle of the sun and because much of the UV in sunlight is
absorbed by clouds, ozone, and other forms of atmospheric pollution. For
example, in areas of Southern Europe, there is no UV radiation of the
appropriate wavelength from the end of October to the end of March.
Furthermore, for the remaining months of the year, 60% of the effective UV
radiation is present between 11 AM and 3 PM.[17]

Thus, adequate storage of vitamin D during the spring and summer months is
essential. Although it is known that the vitamin D precursor (calciferol) of
active vitamin D metabolites is stored in adipose tissue, no data exist on
the storage of the active metabolites (calcidiol and calcitriol). Schroder
and colleagues[18] presented findings using animal models in vivo, verifying
that both calcidiol and calcitriol are stored in adipose tissue (which can
in turn be released for target tissue uptake). It is well known that obesity
is a protective factor for osteoporosis, which may be explained, in part, by
the storage and release of active vitamin D metabolites in the adipose

Vitamin D is vital for optimum growth and development in the younger
population. Until recently, however, vitamin D deficiency was considered a
problem only in those children from cultures where skin exposure to sunlight
is limited. However, evidence is emerging that vitamin D "insufficiency" is
more prevalent in children and adolescents than previously thought. Data
presented by El-Hajj Fuleihan and colleagues[19] from a study of 169
adolescents aged 10-16 years revealed that 21% of the population had serum
25(OH)D below 10 ng/mL and 44% had values between 10 and 20 ng/mL during the
winter months. Corresponding changes were also seen in PTH and biochemical
markers of bone turnover, which in turn have important implications for
optimal skeletal growth and maximum peak bone mass attainment.

The effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on vitamin D levels in male
adolescents was investigated by Guillemant and colleagues.[20] Serum
25-(OH)D in the placebo-treated group showed marked decreases from 61 +/-
15.5 nmol/L (September) to 20.2 +/- 0.5 nmol/L (March), which was mirrored
by an increase in intact PTH (iPTH) compared with no significant changes in
either 25-(OH)D or iPTH in the supplemented group. Furthermore, there is
growing concern that atmospheric pollution, particularly in developing
countries, may have important implications for the vitamin D status of
population groups. In a paper presented by Puliyel and colleagues,[21] both
25-(OH)D and PTH were significantly different in children from
high-pollution areas (HPA) compared with those from low-pollution areas
(LPA). For example, serum 25-(OH)D: HPA 12.6 +/- 7 ng/mL vs LPA 28.2 +/- 7
ng/mL (P <.001); serum PTH: HPA 42.9 +/- 68 vs LPA 14.7 +/- 9 pg/mL (P <

The data presented on vitamin D status in children and adolescents have
important implications for skeletal health and clearly suggest a need for
consideration of vitamin D supplementation programs in certain younger
population groups.

Influence of Food Groups on Bone Health
The approach consistently used to examine the relationship between nutrition
and skeletal health has been to focus on specific (or a variety of)
nutrients commonly consumed in the human diet. Although this has assisted in
the understanding of specific nutrients (eg, calcium) and their effect on
bone health, there are still considerable gaps in our knowledge. An
alternative approach to elucidating this complexity is to consider the foods
we consume rather than the nutrients contained within them.[22] Clearly,
this is a sensible approach to investigating diet:disease relationships,
because it is well known that the direct hedonic pleasure derived from food
is an important determinant of food choice.
Dietary data from the Framingham Offspring Study were presented by Tucker
and colleagues.[23] Cluster analysis was performed on specific food groups,
and iterative analyses enabled separation of participants into eating
pattern groups, which were listed as (1) fruit, vegetables, milk, and cereal
(termed the "Healthy Group"); (2) soda, pizza, and salty snacks; (3) cheese
and other dairy; (4) meat, bread, and potatoes; (5) baked goods and sweets,
and (6) alcohol. Bone mass in both males (n = 601) and females (n = 905) was
significantly higher in the Healthy Group. The lowest bone mass was found in
the meat group for men and in the soda/pizza/salty snacks group for women.
These data support the findings of both the original older Framingham
cohort[24] and the baseline analyses of the APOSS (Aberdeen Perimenopausal
Osteoporosis Screening Study) population.[25,26]

There is growing evidence of a positive link between fruit and vegetable
consumption and bone health from population-based studies[24-29] as well as
from the findings of the fruit and vegetable intervention trial (DASH -
Dietary Approaches to Stopping Hypertension), which demonstrated a reduction
of urinary calcium excretion from 157 mg/day to 110 mg/day when the daily
serving of fruit and vegetable intake was increased from 3.6 mg/day to 9.5
mg/day.[30] The mechanisms behind this fruit and vegetable link point to the
role that bone plays in acid-base balance.[31] The skeleton has been
referred to as "a giant ion exchange column" loaded with "alkali buffer,"
because 80% of body carbonate, 80% of body citrate, and 35% of body sodium
are contained in solution in the hydration shell of bone, and these
substances are then released in response to metabolic acid.[32] Thus, it has
been proposed that the bone loss that occurs with aging may be attributable,
at least in part, to the life-long mobilization of skeletal salts to balance
the endogenous acid generated from foods that are acid-producing.[33]

The paper presented by Tucker and associates provides further evidence of a
positive link between alkaline-forming foods and the skeleton. There is now
an urgent need for population-based intervention trials using fruit and
vegetables as the supplementation vehicle with a focus on measurement of
indices of bone health (markers of bone metabolism/assessment of axial and
peripheral skeletal sites).

Calcium and the Skeleton
There is considerable interest and indeed controversy regarding the role
that calcium plays in both peak bone mass attainment and postmenopausal bone
loss,[34,35] a debate that has been in force for well over a decade.[36,37]
One important aspect that remains unclarified is the ideal vehicle for
supplementation. Although calcium supplements alone are useful in
quantifying the exact relationship of this single nutrient to skeletal
health, from a public health nutrition policy perspective, they are often
perceived as "medication." Milk and milk products are a useful, practical
alternative. Supplementation with milk or milk-derived products has been
shown to improve the nutritional quality of the diet to a much greater
extent than calcium alone.[38] Furthermore, the additional protein contained
in milk may have anabolic effects on bone via interactions with insulin-like
growth factor 1 (IGF1).[39-41] Just published is the finding that milk basic
protein directly suppresses osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, resulting
in the prevention of bone loss in the animal model.[42] However, the
consumption of dairy products is limited, particularly among young females,
because of the perception that they may be high in fat, thus predisposing
the individual to obesity.
Data from a 7-year longitudinal field study on bone health of 258 white
young females aged 11-18 years was presented by Badenhop-Stevens and
colleagues[43] The data had been examined for differences in body
composition between individuals with low and high dairy consumption at
different ages. In the young women 18 years of age, no differences were
found between the 2 consumption groups with respect to body composition, and
no evidence existed of a higher rate of body fat accumulation in those
individuals consuming larger amounts of dairy products. Furthermore, the
data suggested that patterns of dairy consumption, once set, showed trends
of maintainability, although subjects in the high dairy consumption group
showed a slight decline in calcium intake over time.

Work presented by Saxon and colleagues[44] examined the combined effect of
exercise and calcium on bone mass in prepubertal and early pubertal girls.
Results suggested a synergistic effect at important weight-bearing bone mass
sites. For example, a total of 20 minutes of high-impact exercise (eg,
jumping) 3 times a week, together with an additional 540 mg of calcium,
resulted in an increase in bone mass. The effects of the exercise regimen
and additional calcium supplementation worked independently and

Influence of Nutrient-Gene Interactions and Other Micronutrients on Bone
Genetic factors have gained increasing prominence in the etiopathogenesis of
osteoporosis, with the focus of attention on polymorphisms of the vitamin D
receptor gene, collagen I alpha 1 receptor gene, and estrogen receptor gene.
Public health strategies targeting dietary advice at those women with a
genetic predisposition to low peak bone mass attainment or increased
perimenopausal bone loss would clearly be a sensible approach, but more data
are required. There is evidence in the literature that calcium absorption in
older women is dependent on vitamin D receptor (VDR) genotype.[45] In a
paper presented by Macdonald and colleagues,[46] calcium intake was found to
be a determinant of BMD in perimenopausal and early postmenopausal women
with bb VDR genotype but not those with BB genotype; this finding was
exclusive to those women not taking exogenous estrogen.
Little is known about the role of other micronutrients on bone, but clearly,
as bone minerals, magnesium and phosphorus are important. Carpenter and
colleagues[47] presented data from the NHANES III (National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey), the largest and most recent US nutrition and
bone health database, on the association between intake of Mg and bone mass.
Significant positive correlations were found between Mg intake in
non-Hispanic white men and women and femoral neck bone mass at a variety of
sites. These data support previous findings of other large population
datasets[24-26] and emphasize further the importance of investigating the
impact nutrients other than calcium have on skeletal integrity.

Clinical Significance
The clinical relevance of the papers presented and discussed at the 22nd
Annual General Meeting of the ASBMR can be summarized as follows:

Vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency remains a problem for the aging
population and is a particular concern for those living in institutionalized
homes. There is evidence that in many countries and regions, vitamin D
cannot be synthesized in the winter and fall months, and there is a clear
requirement for careful monitoring of the nutritional status of vitamin D
(via measurement of serum 25-(OH)D) as well as PTH levels.

There is a growing body of evidence that vitamin D insufficiency is more
prevalent in children and adolescents than previously thought. Although
there is a need for further research in this area, consideration of vitamin
D supplementation programs in younger population groups is required.

There is evidence to suggest that consumption of dairy products in amounts
that are required to meet dietary calcium intake recommendations will not
lead to obesity.

High-impact exercise and increased calcium intake together appear to work
synergistically on peak bone mass development in the younger population.
Additional intervention trials in older age groups are required.

Data presented at this conference provide further support of a positive link
between fruit and vegetable intake and bone health. Although the exact
mechanisms and the level of intake required for optimum bone status remain
unclear, high intake of alkaline-forming foods may be helpful to bone health

Nutrient-gene interactions require further quantification, but data are
emerging to suggest that it may be useful to target future nutrition advice
to those individuals who are genetically more susceptible to poor bone

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert L. Berger []
> Sent: Saturday, 14 July 2001 02:24
> To: Silver-list;; William Ashley Jr.
> Subject: CS>Lupus help needed!!
> Greetings Ya'all.
> Does anyone have information as to the safety of using CS when a person
> has Lupus??
> The present medicine is to stop the autoimmune system from attaching and
> destroying her vital organs.
> "Ole Bob"
> --
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