Greetings Worthy Ones of the CS art,

 Terrestrial animals have their problems too. We have already seen that one of the conditions of animal life in freshwater is a relatively impermeable covering for all but certain small portions of the body surface, as an aid in preventing excessive absorption of water. For this reason freshwater animals had an important preadaptive advantage over primitively marine animals in colonizing the terrestrial environment. The evidence strongly supports the view that the movement to land was by way of freshwater, not directly from the sea.
 On land the greatest threat to life is desiccation. Water is lost by evaporation from the respiratory surfaces (lungs, tracheae, etc.), by evaporation from the general body surface, by elimination in the feces, and by excretion in the urine. The lost water must obviously be replaced if life is to continue. It is replaced by drinking, by eating foods containing water, and by the oxidation of nutrients, (remember that water is one of the products of cellular respiration). Taking in of O2 and releasing CO2 across a gas membrane is breathing, not respiration.  Respiration is the release of energy by oxidation of fuel molecules, or, the various energy yielding oxidative reactions in living matter that typically involve transfer of oxygen and production of carbon dioxide and water as end products. A fish breathes by passing water over the gill membranes, a man breathes by passing air over the lung membranes. Some freshwater fish have gills and lungs and can breath in water and in air, hence the apparent ability to move on to the land, of some early freshwater animals.
 We saw that ammonia is a satisfactory nitrogenous excretionary product for aquatic animals.  It is far from satisfactory for terrestrial animals because of the difficulty of getting rid of this highly toxic substance on land, where an unlimited supply of water is not available. As a child I remember the ammonia operated refrigerators, and the panic caused by an ammonia leak and the evacuation of the home. All the plants in the home died. We were not allowed in the home until the gas had been cleared after the leak was repaired. Amphibians and mammals, therefore, rapidly convert ammonia into urea, a compound that, though very soluble, is relatively nontoxic. Urea can remain in the body for some time before being excreted, and we can regard its production as an adaptation to the conditions of water shortage characteristic of terrestrial existence.
 Although urea is a far more satisfactory excretionary product than ammonia for land animals, it has the disadvantage of draining away some of the critically needed water, for, being highly soluble, it must be released in an aqueous solution (urine). If, however, uric acid, a very insoluble compound, is excreted instead of urea, almost no water need be lost. It is not surprising, therefore, that many terrestrial animals--most reptiles, birds, insects and land snails--excrete uric acid or its salts. The excretion of this substance not only allows them to conserve water, but has another advantage, which may have been even more important in the evolution of uric acid metabolism. All these animals lay eggs enclosed within a relatively impermeable shell or membrane. If the embryos excreted ammonia, they would rapidly be poisoned, and if they produced urea, the concentration in the egg by the latter part of development would become decidedly harmful. Uric acid, on the other hand, is so insoluble that it can be precipitated in almost solid form and stored in the egg without exerting harmful toxic or osmotic effects. In the nitrogen metabolism of fully terrestrial animals, uric acid excretion is correlated with egg laying, while urea excretion is correlated with viviparity (giving live birth to the young).
 Lets take a closer view of the cellular environment.  All living cells are bathed by liquid. This statement may seen perfectly obvious when one considers the protists, plants, and animals that live in fresh or salt water.  Also many organisms live in a terrestrial environment---in the earth, on the surface of the earth, or in the clouds ( many organisms live in the atmosphere and clouds). A close examination reveals that in all these cases, each living cell is continually bathed in water. The skin which man and his fellow vertebrates expose to the air consists of layers of dead cells which protect the living cells beneath from, among other things, the drying effects of the air. Where living cells are exposed to the environment, as in the epithelium that lines our air passages and the transparent cornea at the front of the eye, secretory cells bath the exposed surfaces in a continuos supply of moisture (water). In a similar way, the exoskeleton of insects, the bark of trees, and the waxy cuticle of leaves all consist of dead cells or waterproof secretions of cells which permit the underlying living cells to remain protected by at least a film of moisture.  This is generally referred to as the impermeable membrane. Within the soil itself, living cells may be directly exposed to the environment, but here again the environment is liquid. Each soil particle is surrounded by a film of water, the delicate root hairs of vascular plants, and myriads of protists and tiny invertebrates that live in the soil are in contact with this moisture (water). If the moisture is removed the cells and animals of the soil die, as in drought.
 In considering the cellular environment of more complex plants and animals, one must consider also the environment of the cells that are not close to the exterior of the organism. These deep-lying inner cells are also in contact with liquid. Sap in plants, the blood of insects, and lymph in man are examples of fluids that bathe the inner cells of higher organisms. The blood in man never contacts the cells directly, only the lymph contacts the cells. Refer to the 24 part series called "intestine" in the archives. Lymph and the blood plasma from which it is derived make up about twenty percent of the body weight of man.  Because these fluids are outside of the cells, we refer to them as the "extra cellular fluid" or ECF. To distinguish between the external environment of our bodies (air and water), and the actual environment of our cells ( the lymph), the French physiologist Claude Bernard referred to the latter as the internal environment.  We now refer to it as the intracellular space which is filled with lymph, as distinguished from the fluid inside of the cells proper.

  ---to be continued---

 Bless you,     Bob Lee

oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast
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